Mixed Histories
T. Chesnut | OH, USA | 03/10/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"As many fans of Sonic the Hedgehog will remember, the 90's produced three cartoons featuring Sonic the Hedgehog as the main character, and the shows had nothing to do with each other. First there was Sonic the Hedgehog (dubbed Sat/AM by the fans because it came on Saturday mornings) which was a very serious, very dark show inwhich Dr. Robotnik had enslaved the world with robots and Sonic fought to free the planet with the help of the freedom fighters. Then there was Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, a Ren and Stimpy style show which featured lots of slapstick humor and was aimed at a younger audience. There was also Sonic Underground, which I thought was terrible and has nothing to do with this review, so let's ignore it.
This DVD attempts to mix the history from Sonic Sat/AM and Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. It was much more faithful to the Adventures history, because while it featured the character of Princess Sally from Sat/Am she is only seen for about 30 seconds and has no lines, nor any real impact on the storyline. The city of Robotropolis and the SWAT bots make a guest appearance, though they bear little to no resemblence to their darker, Sat/Am counterparts.
The basic storyline is that Santa Clause is retiring and that Dr. Robotnik is taking over as his replacement. His evil plan is to make kids get him Christmas presents instead of giving presents to kids: Very epic! So, Sonic has to save Christmas from the fat guy in the red suit. As you've probably guessed, the appeal of this show is to very young children. Die hard fans of the Saturday morning cartoon, like myself, should stay away from this video at all costs. I personally returned the video to the store that I got it from and have vowed to never buy a movie without renting it first because of the experience."