It?s been twelve years since the Blast Fall, an unexplained disaster that left countless dead and many more maimed. Society is divided and every citizen feels the burn, most of all the Resembles ? people whose mangled bodi... more »es have been rebuilt with high-tech prosthetic devices. Bounty hunter Roy Revant has seen it all, walking alone in this shattered city. That is, until the day a strange little girl named Solty falls from the sky straight into his heart. The search for family turns into a search for meaning and those that wield harsh power over society won?t go unnamed for long. Roy and Solty may seek different things? But who wants to search for truth alone? Box Set contains the entire Solty Rei series - over 615 minutes of action!« less
One of the best and most underrated sci-fi anime series of a
J. Ernst | St. Louis, MO | 03/18/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Having purchased this show on the individual volumes, I have to say that this is an excellent deal. Definitely buy this boxset over the individual discs. Now, on to the review.
To start, Solty Rei is just a phenomenal anime. Absolute first rate voice acting from the English cast, most notably Christopher Sabat (aka Prince Vegeta), and animation studio Gonzo does a heckuva job on the CG/traditional animation combo.
*Minor Spoilers may follow*
The show opens basically enough. Roy Revant is a bounty hunter, chasing down the baddies with his hard-nosed attitude. He's lost his wife to cancer, and his daughter to a mysterious disaster called the Blast Fall. One night, one of his hunts goes awry, and this mysterious girl falls from the sky and saves his life. She grows attached to him, and he pushes her away, with amusing results. Oh, and she's a cyborg.
Sounds simple. Your basic anime plot, right?
WRONG. Dead wrong. While Solty Rei may start out on a rather formulaic note, by the time you reach the halfway point, the entire series does a "180" in tone, and doesn't let up for a second. Since so much of my enjoyment was derived from the major plot twists at the midway point of the show, I won't spoil it for anyone, but suffice it to say, it's big.
By the time you make it to the end of the series, everything you thought you knew gets stood on its head, and you'll become attached to all the characters, desperate for more action. The ending is wholly satisfying, and answers all the questions that are raised during the course of the series.
Don't pass this one up, or be dissuaded by negative reviews for the first couple of volumes on other sites. You will not be sorry you spent money on this one."
Very Entertaining Series
Relair13 | 03/10/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Solty Rei is a very good, highly underrated series in my opinion. It starts off a bit slow and has a few cliche moments, but then most shows do. If you're a fan of bounty hunters, adorable cyborg girls, crazy mech vehicle fights, and some nice plot twists, you'd probably enjoy this series. It's got something for everyone, theres some kind of fight or action in pretty much every episode, with plenty of drama and character development and a liberal sprinkling of comedy and fanservice scattered throughout.
So if you haven't seen this yet now's a good time with the new boxset!
Mecha Anime And The Human Feelings Of Love Infinite
Rich | CA | 03/15/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I got this series the same time as I got Black Cat all I can say for this series is wow another great show.The storyline is pretty strait forward for what you expect from this kind of anime.I felt though that what really made this such a good series for me was the story of the human heart for unending love for someone you truly care for.The case in point is between Roy and Solty though Solty may be an android the way Roy comes to truly love her as a daughter not caring what she is human or machine was truly heart-warming showing that there is no limit to the love you can give to someone or something.I don't want to give away the ending but if you follow the series through and see how Roy is determined to protect and save Solty you will find that very heart-touching.The video is widescreen and has 5.1 english audio or 2.0 japanese audio for the extras you have some trailers audio outakes and commentaries plus two extra episodes.The Funimation Films Corp have again as it seems got great voice
actors for the english audio as well as an excellent japanese voice actors cast.This series is well worth it for you're collection if you're a fan of Burst Angel,Black Cat,Noir,or Full Metal Panic than buy it right away..."
Great story telling! Very Satisfying!
Jay F. Grissom | San Diego, CA. USA | 04/06/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is so good it makes me happy seeing it in my collection.
The story telling is top notch... Because of that you can easily believe that the events happening are meaningful even though they are rich with Sci-Fi energy.
The animation and character design is comparable to Burst Angel (The 3D work is just as excellent too). The characters in this are much more modestly dressed than they were in BA though.
The premise of the story is comparable to Elvin Lied or Chobits (Or many others.. for that matter...). Except the Male in the story is a grouchy old man, rather than a horny teen. The role of Solty ends up not being a sensual relationship but is still very loving.
The ending is deeply moving... I'd like to say more about it but I don't want to spoil the transformations that you see the characters go through. Suffice it to say: It is highly likely you will "FEEL" many emotions throughout this work.
I wish I could give it more stars...
The art is fantastic.
The story is believable, even though it is way out in left field.
It is semi cliche' but it is done well enough to overlook any of that.
The 3D works very seamlessly into the 2D work.
The Production quality is very high.
Also, the story has three phases of endings... which closes the story any way you want it to close...
This was worth every penny spent."
Science Fiction Anime Never Looked So Good
Jackie Almasy | 03/17/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Brought to us by Funimation, production companies GONZO and AIC weave together a beautiful and refreshing science fiction drama. Solty Rei over the course of twenty four action packed and emotional rollercoaster episodes grabs the viewer by the throat and immerses them in themes of universal love, painful pasts, and hopeful futures.
Main protagonists Roy Revant, a bitter and scarred man with a dark and sad past, meets up with Solty, a bright and naturally cheerful girl with a mysterious aura and past. Two worlds harshly collide as upon death's door, Solty literally falls from the sky and saves him. Now attached to Roy like a little lost child, Roy is forced to come to terms with his past, his issues of attachment, and the fear of love.
Elements of a father and daughter relationship are presented in a realistic way rather than the typical instant love presented in most animes. The first three volumes present a tense and uncomfortable relationship between the two and drags the viewer into it as well with scenes of overbearing cuteness, akward run-ins, and sometimes excessivley harsh words.
The vocals of english voice actors Christopher Sabat and Carrie Savage bring a near perfect job. As some of the more open ended scenes could have needed a better job, the emotionally tense scenes provide a much needed break. When the image of a tough bounty hunter finally lets his guard down, the viewer nearly breaks down as well.
I have never been more proud of buying an anime series upon finishing this show. I laughed, smiled, and cried my way through this incredibly complex show and in the end was left crying tears of joy. The music is very well composed and vocals do their job. The song "Return to Love" will always remain one of my favorites for life.
Solty Rei is a shining example of what a storyline, plot development, and character development should be. GONZO shines its best and brightest in this series and does not let a fan of thier work down."