An exceptional sci-fi fantasy, a pair of gay lovers literally gets a jolt as they plug in for pleasure in Sean Abley s Socket . After being struck by lighting, Dr. Bill Matthews receives extra special care from a mysteriou... more »s, sexy hospital intern Craig (Matthew Montgomery, Gone, But Not Forgotten). Having survived the same natural accident, Craig introduces his new recruit to an underground group that uses electricity to reach ecstasy. Soon the two develop an insatiable appetite for wall sockets and each other, but it s not enough for Bill. Using his gifted talents as a surgeon, this doctor will stop at nothing to find the ultimate charge!« less
"Socket" is an amazing film with something for everyone. It is sexual, it is science fiction, it is dark, and it has comedy (and naked men). It is absolutely, in my opinion THE gay film to see. Sean Abley who wrote and directed "Socket" has made a film that he can be very proud of.
Derek Long plays Bill Matthews, a surgeon, who after being struck by lightning on a beach, finds himself no longer in control of himself. He begins his recuperation in the same hospital where he works and there he meets Craig Murphy (who you may remember from Cinema Pride's screenings of "Long-Term Relationship" and "Back Soon"). Murphy is handsome and handsome who sees something in Matthews. It seems that he to has been struck by lightning and after telling Matthews about his own adventure, he adds that he has had some very odd desires since the occurrence. He then invites Matthews to a meeting of people like them.
Matthews finds himself drawn into the group meeting where he meets others who have been hit by lightning and all of whom have a craving for electric current. Murphy becomes Matthews' guide and watches his friend becoming immersed in the group and sees that a relationship is beginning between the two men. As Matthews recuperates from the lightning, his body has an increased appetite for electric shocks which seem to be drug like in nature. The two men and the other members of the group begin to "juice up" more frequently as time goes by.
Matthews discovers a way to place sockets and prongs into the wrists of members of the group and they become able to "mainline" current or plug into each other to form circuits. I am sure some of you are thinking what a bizarre film this must be but I am sure you recognize what electric current represents here and this is a major problem in our community.
When a random encounter with a mugger occurs and results in the death of the assailant (quite by accident but due to the electrical prongs in Matthew's wrist which were jammed into the man's skull. The electrical impulses that control the human body were downloaded into the surgeon's body and he realizes he has found a whole new level to his addiction. What happens next will have to wait until you see the movie.
Everything about "Socket" is a delight. The actors are great, the script is not only interesting but exciting, the sets are dark and relay the basic theme of the film and the direction is perfect. Granted the idea behind the film may seem to be a little far removed from reality, when you consider the extent that addiction of any kind plays in society, you realize that beneath what you see is a very strong message.
Gay geeks unite!
M. Mishkoff | Los Angeles, CA | 03/18/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Tired of AIDS, coming of age, that first relationship, and campy fabulousness being the only subjects of queer cinema? Ready for a gay film where the sexual orientation of the characters is treated in a matter-of-fact manner and secondary to the actual storytelling? Do you like good ole fashioned sci-fi/horror genre entertainment? Then Socket is a movie you'll want to check out.
I managed to catch this at the LA G&L film festival last year, and I have to say it was a breath of fresh year. I'm gay, but I'm also a true blue geek who loves good sci-fi and horror movies. And let's face it, it's not like anyone is trampling over themselves to make movies for gay geeks. So to discover Socket, with it's quirky premise, solid writing, and great performances, that just also happened to have some super steamy sex scenes thrown in, was truly a nice surprise. I'm glad to see that the film secured a distributor so that more people will be able to see it - and I hope that it's a big success so that more movies like it will get made in the future."
Socket to me
Danimaniac | West Hollywood, CA | 04/23/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I enjoyed this movie. Even though it's not the best movie of any of the genres it crosses, it certainly is not "the worst gay movie ever", as touted in the hyperbolic reviews which trash it. SOCKET has a unique premise and carries it out well. Without over-analyzing the physics or having a degree in engineering, I was able to sit back and enjoy a fun ride with likable characters and a light presentation. I was a little disappointed because, I don't know why, I expected more gore. I guess when I learned of the concept of the movie, I thought it sounded very David Cronenberg... so I imagined there'd be more gore. One of the positive aspects of the movie is that it is a movie with gay characters that isn't about being gay. I think it has cross-over appeal for a hetero audience not afraid of seeing men naked as much as we see Sharon Stone naked in her "thrillers". Also, the nudity isn't as gratuitous as other reviwews here would have you believe. This isn't one of those movies that's all about sex & naked gays with a loose story hung around it. Here, the story and characters come first. I think the problem other reviewers had with this movie was a preconcieved notion of what they were going to see. I was disappointed with the lack of gore when I was expecting buckets, but I realize it wasn't the movie makers' fault I expected that without knowing the movie well before seeing it. I guess the movie is at least unique in the fact that its premise has a lot of possibilities- I think it is worth a look with an open mind and few preconcieved notions."
- A Very Original Premise with a Too Common Plot -
Franklin Hummel | Boston, MA USA | 03/26/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"*Note: There are minor spoilers in this review.* --- SOCKET is a good SF horror film. The disappointing thing is, it could have been a great one. --- This movie's creative concept is that some people who are struck by lightning are then able to become quasi-sexually stimulated by electricity. These few meet together in a small, secret group and give themselves electrical highs. --- SOCKET then becomes the horror cliché story of a Strange Thing (blood, brain parts, salt, lifeforce, etc.) That Becomes An Addiction and ends with another cliché, The Horror Still Lives! --- (The Strange Addiction theme can be done with greatness: watch Roger Corman's X - THE MAN WITH THE X-RAY EYES.) --- This is a well-done movie even with a low-budget that had to be filmed in 9 days. Many of the actors are excellent; one reason I bought this DVD was for Matthew Montgomery, who I've followed since his appearance in a fan-made STAR TREK web episode. --- The main reason I bought it is I *really* love SF&F&H and if it's gay-related that's a *big* plus. --- Beyond its standard plot, there are several serious problems that make enjoying SOCKET difficult. First, the movie's transfer to DVD seems to have been done at a low audio level. Once the film began I had to turn my TV's volume to nearly twice it's normal level to make it audible. (After the end credits, I was blasted by loud music when the disc returned to the menu.) --- Next, of great importance in all speculative film/fiction is to have a consistent universe *within* its story. SOCKET fails this in two ways. There is the often presence of TVs with static-filled screens. I had thought the electrically-charged character's body interfered with electronics, but this was contradicted by his using a cell phone and computer without problems. In the commentary, you learn the director *forgot* to film the explanation for the TVs, but even if this had been used, it's still not consistent in the movie. --- (The commentary is badly-made; some people on it can barely be heard and at one point there is an unexplained silence for 3 minutes.) --- Another internal universe concept in SOCKET is obsessive-compulsive neatness developes in these lightning-struck individuals. This is explained as "Energy is order." Scientifically that's wrong; energy is imbalance and chaos. (Re: E=MC2 & entropy & opening-credits' lightning.) This then contradicts many events, resulting in my often being "taken-out of the movie". --- Finally, one of the *worst* distractions was during the characters' "power-ups". I am 96% sure the sound used during these was of the original STAR TREK's "Enterprise" increasing its warp speed! --- It was very pleasarable to watch a movie where the central characters were gay men and this wasn't vital to the story; the same with the occasional nudity. However I was disturbed by what I felt was a rape of one man by the other, without any follow-up to this. --- I feel the reason I've been so critical in this review goes back to my original comment: SOCKET is a good SF horror film that could have been a great one. I suggest SOCKET as a should-see, and for gay SF&F&H fans, a must-buy. Just know you might be disappointed at times.
astrorev | Sacramento, CA USA | 03/03/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"The premise of this movie is intriguing and the allegorical parallels to drug addiction are actually well portrayed. Unfortunately the very low production values seriously degrade this film. Let's face it, open heart surgery in a dimly lit room that looks like it's in a warehouse basement??! I could go on and on with examples of not only poor sets, but of cheesy lighting, poor sound, and horror elements that are about as scary as shelling peanuts. The transfer quality to the dvd is pretty awful, too; washed out colors, & erratic volume. Perhaps this movie was more enjoyable on the big screen?? Two stars for the eye candy and maybe a half star for the effort..."