2 films for the price of one, for horror completists.
N. Chodoba | Torrington, CT USA | 12/10/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I say that this DVD is for completists because I don't think these two films are going to end up on anyones top ten horror lists in the near or far future. BUT, you do get two at once here, and the films are somewhat interesting because of the talent involved, and it is a good deal. You get both films on a double sided disc, and that is a good thing if you are looking to see as many films as possible (like me). SOCIETY is directed by Brian Yuzna (of Bride of Re-animator fame), and the special "surreal" effects are done by Screaming Mad George, who has worked on many, many films. It is about a teenager who thinks that everyone is not what they seem, and that he is paranoid. Ideas are not explored fully, but the film tries, and deserves a look. Yuzna includes a commentary, and the film is letterboxed. Overall, society would rate a 3 out of 5 stars due to its plot snowballing out of control, but for people who just want to see a modern effects master do his thing, stick around for the last half hour of this film. Devin Devasquez also plays a part.SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION stars Brad Dourif (one flew over the cukoo's nest, childs play, two towers- Grima Wormtongue) and is directed by Tobe Hooper. It is letterboxed, there is a trailer included and not much else, but the film is mildly interesting, especially in reenacting a bomb test from the 50's. Overall the film is not great, but it does have mood at times. The soundtrack is especially effective when using an old standard: "I don't want to set the world on fire."Is the DVD worth buying? Well, it is if you want to see as many films as possible. If you are a horror fan and have not seen them then yes it is worth buying (or renting). BUT, if you want to see a great horror film, and do not want to see every film that comes along, you may be better off seeing RE-ANIMATOR, and FROM BEYOND (in Yuzna's case, he was involved in those). For Tobe Hooper you need only to see the first two TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE films to see how he became such a well known horror director.Hope this review helps."
Double feature from Anchor Bay with only one good film.
Puzzle box | Kuwait | 05/26/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This double feature only has one good film which is Brian Yuzna's Society the other film was Tobe Hooper's awful Spontaneous Combustion which is quite possibly one of Tobe's worst films I have ever seen, watch it at your own risk. Society is the reason I got this double feature dvd in the first place, I've read alot of great reviews for this film on other horror websites and I would have to say its worth it. The film has probably one of the most goriest and disgusting special fx I have ever seen that happen especially towards the end at the gory climax where the upper society or rich people start transforming and having there flesh mix up with each other, its very sick and twisted and I only recommend it to true horror fans. Billy has grown up all his life feeling like he just didn't fit in with his family, he's constantly paranoid of his family and the way his parents treat his sister. The sister's ex-boyfriend tells Billy about a secret society that his family is involved in but it seems to late when both they're lives are in danger ,4/5 stars this is deffinetly one of Brian Yuzna's best films despite being very cheesy and not having a clear explanation of this bizzare society club and how they became this way, I guess that you shouldn't take it to seriously. Spontaneous Combustion has to be one of the worst horror films I have ever seen, you could tell that Brad Douriff wants to be some where else with his over the top and very bad acting and the fx were terrible and you could tell that the film sucks when you hear the awful dialogue, its suppost to be sci/fi but they keep making things up to the point of making the film seem completely unrealistic and everything was serious. If your a hardcore horror fan like myself then you might be interested to get this dvd but don't expect a horror masterpiece or something like that."
Those in Control
Joshua Koppel | Chicago, IL United States | 07/13/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Two campy movies about people in power and the control they exert. In each, one character slips out of control so the movies have a common theme even if they seem completely different.
In the first movie, a high-school student feels he does not fit in with his rich family and their associates. His fears combine with suspicions from others not in favor and a horrifying picture begins to emerge. Finally his safety is in jeopardy and he challenges the horrific Society.
In the second movie we have a man who was born after a nuclear test designed to immunize people against radiation. He knows nothing of his past, only that suddenly people around him are being burned to death. His fears and concerns drive him to uncover his past and the lengths others have gone to in order to control all aspects of his life. Unfortunately the film ends rather suddenly.
Although billed as a Drive-In Double Feature, each movie occupies a different side of a single disk so you can't just sit back and watch them both without flipping the disk. Each movie is accompanied by its trailer and a commentary. Picture quality is good and some of the acting is quite good even with some of the horrible lines. All in all just what you would expect from a pair of Drive-In horror movies."