A wacky free-for-all comedy about the riotous rivalry between snobby skiers and knuckle-dragging snowboarders! Starring Corey Haim (Dream a Little Dream), Jim Varney (Ernest movies), Brigitte Nielsen (Beverly Hills Cop II... more ») and SCTV?s Joe Flaherty.« less
"I bought this video to take on a snowboarding trip with some friends. I fully expected it to be bad, but I thought it would be the kind of bad movie where you can still have a good time making fun of how bad it is, like on "Mystery Science Theatre 3000."I was wrong.The thing about all those MST3K movies is, they take themselves seriously, so mocking them is worthwhile. This movie doesn't take itself seriously -- it actually has the gall to think it's funny. But it is not. Now, when I say this movie is not funny, I don't mean it appeals only to certain sensibilities and tastes; I mean it is just empirically NOT FUNNY. The dialogue is stilted, the characters are idiots reading their lines, the snowboarding is lame, and the jokes, such as they are, misfire. Example: Varney, applying for a job with ski patrol, is told he will have to "wear two hats," working as both a PR man and also a safety consultant. He replies that he has lots of hats, and demonstrates by putting a sombrero on his head. Ha, ha. Maybe someone like Jim Carrey could breathe life into jokes this moronic, but Varney can't.After the hat joke (which came only about 15 minutes into the movie) I had had enough, and rewound the tape. My VCR ate it. Normally, that would have angered me, but in this case, I think the VCR was just trying to help."
Corey Haim is the only bright spark in a very dull movie.
Formula275@aol.com | Florida | 03/28/1999
(1 out of 5 stars)
"If you're a Corey Haim fan you might enjoy this movie, if you're not, don't bother. This movie has terrible jokes and even more terrible acting. Corey Haim offers little justification for why the movie is so bad. I myself am I big Corey Haim fan, thus the reason I bought this movie. I highly recommmend that you rent this movie before even considering buying it. I didn't do this and now the movie just sits on the shelf never to be watched again."
Best picture at my oscars
Rich King's Breakfast Nook | East Gretna, NE | 06/25/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Before seeing this movie, I thought "Chairman of the Board" starring Carrot Top was the finest motion picture this country had ever produced. That was before I found "Snowboard Academy" in a dumpster and decided to give it a view. First of all, who in the world would throw away a movie with Corey Haim, Jim Varney and Brigetite Nelson. This is the equivalent of putting Hasselhoff, Clay Aiken and Rockwell on the same album. Productivity in our world would stop because no one could stop listening to it.
This movie has everything you would ever want in a film. Hot snow boarding action, slapstick comedy, a dog, and a story that Mark Twain wishes he could write. I was on the edge of my seat one minute, hiding my eyes the next. This movie took me everywhere like my dad did when I was 19. You see kids, I had a lot of trouble learning to drive. Everytime I tried to turn I just kept going in a 360 until I finally passed out. I couldn't figure out when to stop turning the wheel. I eventually got that figured out with a special helmet, but back to the movie. Jim Varney is scrumtrulescent in this film. Let's just say Jim Carrey is the poor man's Jim Varney. Carrey can screw around with his face, but Varney does it with Pinache. And Corey Haim, are you kidding me. How people bought into Tom Cruise in this country and not Corey Haim is why many people want to move to Chile.
This movie is the top of the top of the shelf."
N. Walker | 05/15/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am a snowboarder and I love snowboarding movies. I also like funny movies too, which is why I love this movie. At first I thought it would be very boring, but I was wrong. After I first saw it I rented it about 15 times (no joke) and I decided to buy it. It is a great movie, and all my snowboarding pals love it, but I do suggest renting it before you buy it."
N. Walker | USA | 08/02/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I was sure that Dr.Otto was the worst Varney movie ever until I ran into this one. But then I only saw the first ten minutes. It looks like it was made by people wearing blindfolds and drinking warm Red Bull, and paying their seven year old brothers a hundred a week to make up sick teen sex jokes.
This is a good movie to make your kids watch, so they have some idea of what hell might be like."