Help the Free French? Not world-weary gunrunner Harry Morgan (Humphrey Bogart). But he changes his mind when a sultry siren-in-distress named Marie asks, "Anybody got a match?" That red-hot match is Bogart and 19-year-old ... more »first-time film actress Lauren Bacall. Full of intrigue and racy banter (including Bacall's legendary whistling instructions), this thriller excites further interest for what it has and has not. Cannily directed by Howard Hawks and smartly written by William Faulkner and Jules Furthman, it doesn't have much similarity to the Ernest Hemingway novel that inspired it. And it strongly resembles Casablanca: French resistance fighters, a piano-playing bluesman (Hoagy Carmichael) and a Martinique bar much like Rick's Cafe Americaine. But first and foremost, it showcases Bogart and Bacall, carrying on with a passion that smolders from the tips of their cigarettes clear through to their souls.« less
Shelly D. from YPSILANTI, MI Reviewed on 10/26/2020...
A good old classic. So happy to have this in our collection to be able to watch whenever we want to. Great stars, great characters. A must for all lovers of good old movies.
4 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Romance and Choices in Martinique
Bobby Underwood | Manly NSW, Australia | 11/06/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The summer of 1940 in Martinique as people began to choose sides is the setting for another Howard Hawks masterpiece. William Faulkner, who had adapted Raymond Chandler's complex novel for the director's other Bogart screen classic, "The Big Sleep," expanded a thin Hemingway story with writing partner Jules Furthman into another. This is sort of "Casablanca" with grit rather than gloss, and is just as enjoyable. "To Have and Have Not" does, in fact, outshine that film with its upbeat ending, and marks the real contrast between the two films, despite their similarities.
Bogart is Harry Morgan, trying to stay neutral about the local politics while he and his pal Eddie (Walter Brennan) take tourists ocean fishing in the waters of Martinique. His pal Frenchy (Marcel Dalio) wants him to use his boat to pick up a couple that will put him square in the middle of all that's going on both in Martinique and the rest of the world as the Germans make their move across the globe.
Morgan is fending off getting involved just fine until his latest fishing customer gets knocked off by accident before he can pay up. Complicating things further for Morgan is a newcomer named Marie Browning (Lauren Bacall) who sort of attaches herself to him from the moment they meet. She has come from Brazil by way of Trinidad and ends up in Martinique only because she doesn't have money to go any further. They seem a perfect fit despite all the sparring between them; a point driven home by her response to Eddie's question about bees. The viewer knows at that moment that she and Harry are a match made in Hollywood heaven.
Brennan is just terrific as Harry's old pal in constant need of a drink to keep the shakes at bay. He thinks he's looking after Harry when in fact it's Harry who's looking after him. The trademark male world of Howard Hawks is much in evidence here, as Bogart's autonomy begins to crack only when he finds his match in Bacall. Like many of Hawks' characters, Morgan lives by his own code and his own rules, and only breaks them out of loyalty to someone else. Another Hawks trademark of the sizing up of people from the inside out is also much in evidence here. Bogart and Bacall never even speak the other's name in this film: she calls him "Steve" and he refers to her as "Slim" throughout the entire film.
When Harry finally agrees to pick up Frenchy's pals in the Resistance to earn enough money to get Slim home, he gets more than he bargained for in more ways than one. It convinces Slim to stay on because she now knows for sure that "Steve" is the right guy. She gets a job singing for the piano player at the Hotel Martinique, Cricket (Hoagy Charmichael). And after a patrol boat takes a potshot at one of his passengers, his very beautiful wife begins to warm up to Harry in a big hurry, causing a bit of jealousy on Slim's part. Doloros Moran is very nice and quite pretty as that wife, Hellene de Bursac.
There are a ton of great exchanges between Bacall and Bogart here, the most famous being the "just whistle" scene. There are many others equally as good, however, including an exchange about strings that has Bacall walking around Bogart, and a great line from Bacall about walking home if it weren't for all that water. It is this latter exchange, and one other about Slim's lack of a reaction when being slapped that Hawks uses to highlight the personal baggage both Harry and Marie are bringing to the table.
A young Bacall looks gorgeous in gowns by Milo Anderson, and Sid Hickox's photography gives the film a real feel of a tiny island with palm trees lining the streets. Bogart's Harry will eventually engage in the fight when he decides he likes the people on one side and doesn't like the people on the other side. It is very much both a Hawks and Bogart type moment, the personal moral code of the anti-hero coming fully into play.
This is a fun film with great characters, lots of atmosphere, and an ending the polar opposite of "Casablanca." The song "How Little We Know" from Hoagy Charmichael and Johnny Mercer never amounted to much compared to the more famous "As Time Goes By" from "Casablanca," but works nicely with the mood Hawks created for his second film with Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. If you're looking for a big dose of Bogie and Bacall, and want the kind of ending "Casablanca" didn't have, then "To Have and Have Not" is a sure bet to please you. A fine film and a true screen classic."
Holy Smokes --- what a pairing!
chefdevergue | Spokane, WA United States | 12/22/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Watching this movie can give you the vapors. Ye gods, has anyone's big screen debut been as sizzling as that of the 19-year-old Lauren Bacall's? Even 60 years later, Bacall's sensual presence absolutely smolders on the screen. While this is not the most gripping Bogart performance one is likely to think of, he is nonetheless fascinating to watch in this film. As the film progresses, it is unmistakeable that he is absolutely HOOKED by his co-star.The storyline itself is a conventional thriller for its time, although it has the distinction of being the product of two of the greatest American writers, Hemingway & Faulkner. Not that they would have seen much merit in that --- Hemingway had a lukewarm attitude towards this work, and Faulkner hated every minute he spent in Hollywood, prostituting his talent (as he saw it).This movie is not on a dramatic par with "Casablanca" or "The Maltese Falcon," and the subsequent Bogart-Bacall "Key Largo" has far more suspense & tension within it. However, none of these films can equal "To Have and Have Not" for on-screen chemistry, and there is indeed something to be said for that. In fact, I would be hard-pressed to come up with a film that surpasses "To Have and Have Not" in terms of chemistry, and that should be enough for anyone to consider this a classic."
The movie that introduced Bogart to Bacall & us now on DVD!
forrie | Nashua, NH United States | 05/05/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Warner BrothersEnterainment does an outstanding job an converting this classic to DVD.This was one of Hollywoods immortal romantic couples along with Gable and Lombard and Tracy and Hepburn. One difference Bogart and Bacall's passion was forever captured on the silver screen. We would always see those first torrid moments of acting become real life love story.Lauren Bacall was nineteen year old upcoming star who was mentored by Hawks, with a Vernoica Lake hair sytle, alluring eyes and the deepest sexiest voice. You could feel Humphrey Bogarts emotions and admiration for this new sultry siren star. Quickly they became involved and later married and did 5 more films together."To Have and Have Not" was the perfect launch vehicle for the Bogart - Bacall Phenomenon. Loosely based on Ernest Hemingways novel of the same name, Bogart is an American fishing boat captain in Martinique a French owned island during WWII. A similar story line to Casablanca except he gets the girl.This is a classic movie and a must have for the DVD Bogart library.Special Features include; Featurette "A love Story", The Story of "To Have And Have Not", vintage bogart & Bacall cartoon, a 1946 Lux Radio Theater Production starring Bogart and Bacall and Theatrical Trailer."
Bogie and Bacall sizzle on screen
Simon Davis | 07/24/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If ever two stars were made for each other on screen it would have to be movie greats Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall in "To Have And Have Not" a sultery Film Noir if ever there was one. The film literally oozes with seductive qualities in scene after scene aided beautifully by the shady photography so characteristic of this genre.Made in the closing period of World War 2 it marked not only another Howard Hawks triumph both critically and financially but also featured a truly stunning film debut for the deep voiced Lauren Bacall. She would have to be judged one of the great discoveries of this mid 40's period and she proved her worth time and again in many great films over the years. One of the great romances of the Golden years of Hollywood began on this film and resulted in Bacall and Bogart continuing their love affair into the making of another classic "The Big Sleep" and becoming man and wife in real life. It is hard to believe in "To Have And To Have Not" that Bacall was only 19 years of age, she seems so assured and quite up to matching the veteran Bogart line by line. In the role of Mary (Slim) Browning a girl stranded in the colony of Martinique Bacall portrays a self sufficent woman living by her wits who comes across an unlikely object for affection in Bogart's Harry Morgan a fishing Boat owner who in between hiring out his vessel for fishing excursions through a set of circumstances finds himself working for the French resistance movement ilegally ferrying out supporters of the regime out of enemy territory. Theirs is a meeting of two unlikely characters but from their first scene the sparks fly as Bogart sees that Bacall is no pushover and Bacall realises that there is more to Bogart than the rough exterior indicates."To Have And To Have Not" would have to undoubtedly rank in the top 5 of Bogart' best films along with "The Maltese Falcon", "Casablanca" and "The Treasure of Sierra Madre" and others. It presented the unique image of a screen actor who didn't need to possess matinee idol good looks to be a romantic lead. That was Bogart's unique quality in film after film and in "To Have" he has the perfect vechicle for all his great qualities, a tale filled with romance, intrigue, action, gripping narrative. The film has it all. Based on a not very successful novel by Ernest Hemingway who often wrote about people living on the edge or those who had lost purpose in their lives, "To Have And To Have Not' deals with such a dislocated group. In the film most peoples lives are based on temporary arrangements with the prospects of their situation being altered at any moment whether it be by the war, another person's emotions or the environment they live in. This atmosphere gives this story alot of its raw energy and crisp tension that simmers throughout only to burst out near the exciting conclusion.As charismatic as Bogart and Bacall are in this film the stellar supporting cast also add to the overraul class and effect that this story has. Lanky Walter Brennan, a performer in many a cornball story is most effective in the role of drunken Eddie a mate of Harry's who lives for his next nip of alcohol and is a loyal friend who gets caught up in all the action in Martinique. Dolores Moran as Hellene de Bursac who Bogart rescues from enemy teritory is also most effective in her small role. The big surprise is the appearance of Hoagy Carmichael as the piano player in the bar where Harry and "Slim '(Bacall) hang out and trade quips. His scenes are so like scenes from "Casabanca" but he brings a great 40's feel to his playing that is such a pleasure to watch and adds greatly to the authentic feel of the film.Humphrey Bogart is certainly watchable in almost any film he made, good or bad but rarely has he had such a great role as that in "To Have And To Have Not" Certainly the film has a "Casablanca" feel about it but it should be judged on its own merits with an exciting storyline, sultry leading lady, plenty of adventure and humour and a beautiful seductive look to it that makes it one of the great romantic films of the mid 1940's. Enjoy!"
This Movie Makes Me Wish I Could Whistle...
Simon Davis | 03/24/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"There aren't any words, really, to discribe how AWESOME this movie is. There are a lot of people out there who think this is just a rip off of "Casablanca"--shame on you! This is such a wonderful film, and mainly because there is palpable affection between Bogie and Bacall. Seriously! Look closely in some scenes, especially in one of their first scenes together. Bogie is trying to reprimand her, but he can't supress a smile. Also, in all of his other films, he doesn't look like he's really enjoying the love scenes (allegedly, he didn't like to do them)...but OH BABY does he enjoy the smooching with Bacall! It's so lovely to be able to watch two people falling madly in love. Why oh WHY is this movie not on DVD?!?!?!P.S.--Humphrey Bogart is WAY HOT in this movie!"