No Basis in Reality
Wayne A. Brofka | Kenosha, Wisconsin United States | 01/26/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This has been on the Sci Fi channel a number of times and each time that I watch it I find it hilarious. The producers of the film took a real story from Maryland and created this incredible, over the top movie which in my mind is a parody of actual events. How you can change a sub division retention pond into a mountain lake, the bad guys transporting containers marked HGH (Human Growth Hormones) in huge letters (seemed they were getting the institutional size from Sam's Club) and the complete lack of knowledge exibited by the script writers concerning, biology, geography and fisheries is so horrible that it is funny. And the characters, you have Bruce Boxleitner as the sheriff, and Carol Alt as the fisheries biologist (very striking in her hip boots and her big electric gun (used to combat the northern pike invasion in another body of water). The movie is very entertaining but has absolutely no basis in reality. I probably will purchase this when the price comes down under $10."
Cousin of the apple headed monster
Sid the Elf | North Pole | 10/20/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"During Sid's OctoberGreatSuccess seemed like time, probably the only time, to revisit a genre that we used to love between the time of 1999 til roughly 2003. This genre was of the over-sized creature variety which caught our attention with King Cobra featuring Karate Kid stud Mr Miyagi back in 99. It was something like the black and whites type films of the 50's only with much worse acting, way more drunk teens, and a significant increase in the nudity department, which obviously we loved. From there we enjoyed flicks like Python, Crocodile, and Raptor island to name a few, until we simply tired the genre out within a few short years. For a while they were the tops but faded as quickly as they started up. From that point on Sid has never found any desire to revisit this type of film until Snakehead Terror was on t.v with absolutely nothing to do.
Much like every other film in the genre, a small town is taken over by a giant blood-thirsty creature/creatures in this case being a snake fish type deal. It starts out with a bunch of wasted kids going "crazy crazy" at their local Maryland lake to watch a friend get eaten by one of these creatures. Obviously the next step is for the police and some world renowned biologists to get involved. Once they do is when the boredom set's in. It's always the same dialogue making you wonder if they just keep reusing the same script just making some white out changes every couple pages. So after the midway lull you get to a little more creature action which always provides a few laughs. That's about it folks. It's the run of the mill creature feature but deserved 3 stars for bringing back a little sentimental value. Not something the old boy could recommend unless you have nothing to do and see it's on the tube. Then kick back (best viewed with your choice of substance) and enjoy some very cheap laughs courtesy of awful acting and hilarious special effects."