Rare Stuff
glen | 05/14/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Very insightful, albeit at times unfocussed, separate interviews with Morrissey and Johnny Marr from mostly the later part of The Smiths career.. It does not appear Morrissey is all that comfortable doing interviews while it's hard to not sympathize while dodging at times childish questions. (What is your nickname in High School?) Even though there are some brief talk of Smiths lyrics, it's not the focus rather the peckering of Morrissey's apparent recluse behavior. Morrissey tends to get sidetracked more often than not and comes off a professor of trivializing the world. But of more worth and depth than what Johnny Marr can muster while appearing and acting as if he was in the mist of a bender. Marr's interview in a hotel room while the camera is fixed from shoulder up. I wondered what the hidden from camera room appearance was (empty beer cans etc possible).
However unprofessional production and delivery of what appears to be rare 2nd generation transferred videos, the education is ripe as the wit Morrissey sputters. Clear his care is to 'only' write, all else and the people with it, don't really matter.
One funny admission of Morrissey is that his only friends are those in The Smiths, after hearing Marr's talky, bland and surface level interview, it's hard to see how there was a friendship in the first place.
Buy this, watch it, quote it. It's not the whole picture of The Smiths but an interesting peek.