And loving it!
E. A Solinas | MD USA | 03/09/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Welcome back, Maxwell Smart -- he of the cone of silence, the shoe phone, the last minute inexplicable save and the childlike obliviousness.
Fortunately nothing much changes in the third season of "Get Smart," with Don Adams as the not-so-bright spy with an endless arsenal of strange devices and odd sayings, who tirelessly works to keep the free world free. It's a smooth, polished ride through a string of eccentric crises, with lots of slapstick, movie homages, and the occasional game of lethal ping-pong.
It starts off with a bang when everyone at Control is at risk when KAOS's League of Imposters manages to infiltrate their organization -- meaning that there are doppelgangers of everyone, including Max himself ("Looks like he's got a bad case of tight underwear"). Now he has to prove his true identity... just in time to be send to Central America to find a captured president. And pose as a flamenco dancer.
And the stalwart Smart is confronted by many new dangers -- a ghostly informant, budget cutbacks, a sonic boom weapon, an olive transmitter swallowed by a country singer, a superpowered robot designed to kill Hymie, the malevolent Dr. Yes, infiltrating a biker gang, poisoning by a KAOS siren, the mysterious Dr. T, being framed by a one-handed man, the loss of an incriminating Little Black Book, a deadly amusement park, kamikaze pigeons, a sabotaged track competition, and the sinister third spy network ACB.
"Get Smart Season Three" has everything you'd want in a spy spoof -- lots of homages to movies ("The Maltese Falcon," "DOA," "Dr No") and television ("The Avengers," "The Fugitive"), absurd plots against world peace (KAOS hippies compelling people to murder through bad folk-rock!), and extremely improbable methods of stopping them. The best thing about the third season is simply that it doesn't change a thing about itself.
Basically the third season is about on even keel with the one that precedes it -- lots of slapsticky action (including Max trying to sheath a sword), weird problems and bizarre gadgets. And it's cleverly written as well ("The world is going to be destroyed in another 45 minutes, you schtupid! This is no time to stop for traffic lights!"), especially with some fun pokes at US government ("We're the only secret organization in the world that nobody ever heard of").
Don Adams is the heart of the series, with his quirky face, nasal voice, odd body language and confident catchphrases ("And loving it!") -- he gets to do some fun stuff in Season Three, such as impersonate a king ("Ah yes... I remember the well"), play Pygmalian to a mousy children's author, as well as briefly getting to be Chief of Control. He also turns out to be the worst roommate in the history of the world.
Barbara Feldon plays a wonderful straight woman to Max's goofiness, but we do get to see how she feels about Max when she chooses to leave CONTROL and marry someone else. Edward Platt shines as the long-suffering Chief, who has to deal with Max's constant idiocy. And Bernie Kopell and King Moody are brilliant as Max's archnemesis and his dumb sidekick, especially when they have to team up with Max to save the world ("I may be a killer but I am not a peeping Tom!").
The third season of "Get Smart" stays smart by not really changing anything, but continuing with the whacked-out plots against world peace, and the dim spy who is our only hope. I asked you not to tell me that!"
Spy Spoof "That came that close".
M. Shepherd | 06/01/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Get Smart is a farce comedy that can be exceptionally funny. But it gets old after a while. It gets too predictable.
It`s well worth watching, but the earlier seasons were better. Beats anything that passes for tv comedy these days.
It grew Tiresome
J. Franz | Oakland Ca | 12/14/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is a hard review to write Because Im not sure anyone else is going to feel the way I feel But here goes
Season one and Season two I enjoyed a lot..... But season Three started to get on my nerves. The jokes got old I just got tired of "Sorry About that ," also "And Loving it" and lets not forget "Missed it by that much." I realize these lines, some might say are part of Maxwell Smarts Charm and maybe it was when you saw the show week to week But bunched up in a DVD Collection, I find it a bit much by this third season. I think Jokes are only funny if you cant see them coming a mile away
The plus side is There were several episodes of Kaos agent Zigfried. But another downside you get the last episode of Agent 13 (The agent in the weighing machine or Ice machine of mailbox) who was my favorite sub character. Agent 13 was in only one episode and Barbara Feldon your host said it was his last.
Will I buy season Four? It will have to be a heck of a sale"