Tim Janson | Michigan | 10/15/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"With the TV airwaves overstuffed with tired reality shows and crime dramas, shows like Smallville with it's intelligence and fantasy continue to be a refreshing change.
Season three continues this shows really quite remarkable development and quality. Bit by bit, little by little we see Clark developing into the character who will won day be know as Superman.
There are 22 episodes in Season three. i won't summarize all of them due to space but here are some of the highlights:
"Extinction" - Clark discovers someone is hunting people affected by the kryptonite rocks and the killer's next target is Lex. Clark uses his powers to save Lex, but is caught off guard when the killer learns his weakness and shoots him with a kryptonite bullet.
"Perry" - Our first introduction to Perry White, The editor of the Daily Planet in the Comics, a once promising journalist whose career was destroyed by Lionel Luthor, arrives in Smallville in search of alien stories for a tabloid news show. In spite of being constantly inebriated, Perry believes he has witnessed Clark using his extraordinary speed, so he devises a dangerous scheme to expose Clark's superpowers. Meanwhile, Lex learns that Perry has powerful incriminating evidence of Lionel's shady past.
"Relic" - Clark discovers that Jor-El was on Earth forty years ago. Lana's great uncle, who was convicted of murdering his wife forty years ago, shows her a picture of the man he believes really killed her aunt, and she is shocked to discover the drifter looks just like Clark.
"Whisper" Attempting to stop a robbery, Clark is temporarily blinded when he shoots off a burst of heat vision that is accidentally reflected back into his eyes by a piece of kryptonite and soon realizes his body has developed super-hearing to compensate for his lack of sight.
"Hereafter" - Clark discovers that his schoolmate Jordan can foresee the future, but is horrified when Jordan tells him he "sees" Lana dying in a fire in the next few days. When Jordan bumps into Clark, the viewer is treated to a quick image of the classic Superman "S" symbol on a red cape, while the camera flies through space.
"Covenant" - Things come to a head in Smallville when Kara, a beautiful girl with superpowers, who claims to be from Krypton, comes to entice Clark to fulfill his destiny. Overwhelmed, Clark turns to his parents for advice but is shocked when Kara forces Jonathan to finally reveal the deal he made with Jor-El. Also, Clark makes a discovery that ultimately redefines his relationship with Lex, and Clark's relationship with Lana takes a final turn.
One of the best things about watching Smallville is tryting to find all the little hints and inside bits that they place in almost every episode such as the constant use of REd, Blue, and yellow, Superman's costume colors, and the appearance of the trademark "S".
Nice extras include commentary on select episodes, deleted scenes, etc..."
The Best Show on TV
Matthew Edmundson | Winter Haven, Florida United States | 10/22/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Smallville is easily my favorite show on TV and is one of the best and most original you'll watch. Season 3 is another great chapter in this show.
This DVD has all 22 episodes from the hit show spread out over 6 discs. The episodes are
There were a lot of new ideas brought in on this Season. Clark gets some new powers like his super hearing ability after he goes deaf for a short time. His secret becomes knowledge to a couple of new bad guys this season. A girl with the ability to teleport finds out his secret and goes Fatal Attraction on him. He is shot by a Kryptonite bullet. He fights a couple of villians from season 1,2, and 3 who team up against Clark.
His relationship with Lana isn't that great throughout the whole season. She is hurt in an accident where is leg is broken and she tells Clark to leave her alone because all she does is hurt him. Another guy comes into the picture named Adam. Lana wants to be with Clark as does him with her, but the two don't trust each other and they end up growing apart by the end of the year.
Life with Chloe isn't to great either. She is stuck with Lionel investigating Clark and wants out, but wants the answer to his secrets. She gains the ability to make people tell her the truth and Lionel goes to war against her.
Clark also finds out more about his father in a great flashback episode in 1961. He learns a lot more about his biological father Jor-El throught the whole season including fantastic Godfather like finale in the last episode.
They mess with Lex Luthor a lot. He returns home from the attempted murder from his ex fiance. He goes to a mental institution and his dad fries some of his memories. He finally gets to see Clark and action, but loses the memories. They twist the character real well and we get to see Lex slip further and further into becoming the evil man that he will eventually become.
I liked this season a lot. I dind't as much when some of it was going on, but as I've seen Season 4 progress, I'm impressed with what they did in 3. This is argueably the best season of the show. This is a must own for all fans of the show. If you love Superman you have to check this show out. It's a fun and nice new twist to the Superman legacy. This is a must own.
Best Show on Television
N8 | Colorado | 10/26/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"With the third season of Smallville, the cast and crew proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was one of the two best shows on television (the other best show being Angel, which luckily aired right after Smallville for the best 2 hours of TV every week!). The storyline came together in a very intense and obviously well thought out manner, reminiscent of 24 Season 1 just because it was intricately planned out from the beginning.
There were some humorous stand-alone episodes ("Perry" for example) but the bulk of the show's worth came from sequential story-arcs that progressed throughout the season. The biggest downfall of this season, in my opinion, is by far the fact that for viewers new to the show, if they missed Seasons 1 and 2, they would be extremely lost in the events that transpired during this season. Also, if you missed this season, then the current season 4 is probably crazy as hell! Which is unfortunate because it might discourage some possible viewers.
All in all, Smallville's a great show that actually does get better every season it's on. This DVD is highly recommended."
The best season of the show
Mitch Weaver | Houston, TX | 08/26/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Before I watched Smallville, I assumed there was no way for a WB made show to compete with the other aspects of the Superman franchise. Doubting Smallville was probably one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made. In my opinion, it is the best show on TV right now, and one of the best that I have ever seen. The reason the show works, is because it takes an interesting look at the legend of Superman. You bare witness to the human side of the character - Clark Kent, growing up as a teenager in Smallville Kansas. Clark must adjust to his different powers, the relationship between Lex Luthor and Clark develops, and you see the classic relationship ensue between Clark and Lana Lang, who are destined to be just friends.
The thing that has impressed me the most about the show, is that has gotten better with each passing season. Going into season three, I had no idea how good it would turn out to be, but by the end of the season I was blown away. Now for some reason, a lot of the fans thought that season three was the worst one so far. I don't understand why this season was not appreciated more. In my opinion, it is without a doubt the best season of the entire show. Season three was also the darkest season as well, which is what gave the season such appeal in my opinion. Season three had everything from Clark robbing a bank, Lex ending up in a looney bin, and Lionel ending up on death row, to Chloe being supposedly dead and Pete leaving Smallville for good. The episodes in season three were compelling, as well as the storylines. Perhaps the most suprising turn of events to come out of season three was the fact that Clark declared his friendship with Lex over. The show is finally starting to get closer to the true destinies of the characters.
The entire season was great from start to finish, and there were only two episodes that I did not care for. I thought I would take the time to mention some of the great episodes from season three. My favorite episode of season three and of the entire show is "Covenant" in which a girl named Kara comes to Smallville and she claims to be from Krypton. The last ten minutes will blow you away. "Exile" has Clark in Metropolis under the influence of Red Kryptonite comitting crimes and acting out. "Shattered" is a brilliant mystery episode that has Lex, and everyone around him questioning his mental health. "Asylum" is the thrilling conclusion to Shattered in which we are shown what life is like for Lex inside the mental institution, and three former "freaks of the week" return who want to gain revenge on Clark. "Memoria" which is probably one of the most beautiful episodes I have ever seen has Lex turning to radical techniques to regain the memories that were stolen from him in Shattered. The episode shows flashbacks into Lex's life, and we also see Clark's first childhood memory involving his real parents on Krypton. "Legacy" marks the return of Christopher Reeve to the show. "Truth" has Chloe inhale a Kryptonite induced truth syrum, that gives her the ability to make everyone around her tell the truth. "Perry" marks the introduction of future Daily Planet editor Perry White when he is brought to Smallville to investigate the effects of the meteor shower. His interests soon turn towards Clark Kent and what he can do. "Whisper" is the power episode of season three in which Clark temporarily loses his sight and develops super hearing.
As you can see, season three was an incredible season. However, the episodes are not the only reason for buying this set. The extras are great. You get commentary on "Exile", "Memoria", and "Truth", as well as deleted scenes, a gag reel, and the second installment of the Chloe Chronicles.
A solid 5 stars...