Frank E. (realartist) from HENDERSONVLLE, NC
Reviewed on 8/12/2009...
Have any of you seen Alan Arkin in "Little Miss Mary Sunshine" ? if so, you recall what a cute and heartwarming movie it is. Well, Alan Arkin has done it again. Apparently Mr. ARkin has some clout in movie land, and can get a great little movie produced, in spite of the fact there are no meteor impacts, or cars hurtling through mid air smashing into a ball of fire with the action hero barely escaping the disasters again and again and again. No, this is just a little literary flight of fancy involving a divorced father, Alan Arkin, and his nutty kids, trying to survive in the otherwise too costly to even think about living in Beverly Hills. He's just a used car salesman, replete with tacky clothes, and has to skip out from one motel like apartment after another in order to avoid being evicted for non payment of rent! Poor kids. All so they can attend Beverly Hills schools and 'have a chance' in this world of duplicity, perfidy, vanity, and chicanery of every kind. it IS tinsel town, remember.
Featured in the story is a young girl just becoming a woman...with a really nice pair of breasts which she is frankly a little annoyed and embarrassed about. The subject of the breasts keeps coming up...and keeps being seen! which adds to the awkwardness and silliness of the movie-which is, after all a comedy where the players are not thinking that this is funny at all.
That's all I can say about the plot. I will underscore that this is one of those rare gems from tinsel town that will be a prize in your collection of obscure but great movies when you are in the mood for some light hearted fun.
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