THEY SLIME. THEY OOZE. THEY KILL. From celebrated Spanish director Juan Piquer Simón, the man behind the truly demented slasher flick Pieces (1982), comes a terrifying tale of mutant slugs on the rampage in small-tow... more »n America. The townsfolk of a rural community are dying in strange and gruesome circumstances. Following the trail of horrifically mutilated cadavers, resident health inspector Mike Brady is on the case to piece together the mystery. He soon comes to a terrifying conclusion giant slugs are breeding in the sewers beneath the town, and they re making a meal of the locals! Based on the novel by acclaimed British horror author Shaun Hutson, Slugs outdoes its creature feature peers by adding an extra dose of gross-out gore into the equation, culminating in one of the most squirm-inducing animal attack movies ever to slither its way across screens. SPECIAL EDITION CONTENTS Brand new restoration from original film elements High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) presentation Original Uncompressed PCM Stereo audio Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing Audio commentary by writer and filmmaker Chris Alexander Here s Slugs In Your Eye an interview with actor Emilio Linder They Slime, They Ooze, They Kill: The Effects of Slugs an interview with special effects artist Carlo De Marchis Invasion USA an interview with art director Gonzalo Gonzalo The Lyons Den an interview and locations tour with production manager Larry Ann Evans 1988 Goya Awards promo reel Original Theatrical Trailer Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Wes Benscoter Fully-illustrated collector s booklet featuring new writing by writer Michael Gingold« less