Sir Jub-Jub | Sir Jub-Jub's Lair, Alaska | 10/15/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
""Slime City" is best described as a student film. The effects, camera work, acting and overall production are on par with what one would expect from a bunch of film students tasked with making a feature film. There are a lot of missed opportunities that would have made this film much better. For one, the film is played seriously, where comedy in the vein of "Re-Animator" would have been a better idea. The story is similar to many other "strange goings on for a new tenant in an apartment complex" type films. The new tenant is surrounded by oddball neighbors and soon becomes engulfed in a bizarre plot to allow the rebirth of some long dead occultist. The main selling point of the film is its gross-out effects as characters are consumed by a slimey substance that causes them to kill to retain their human form. The effects would have worked better if this film had played as a comedy as they are too over the top to be realistic. The DVD is well done with an additional feature by the same director as well as commentary and four trailers. There is also a making of segment. The effort in making this film is commendable but the film itself just isnt very good. The print used also has some damage and scratches, etc. throughout. I guess if you are into low budget films like "The Corpse Grinders" and "Blood Feast", you might like this."
Plenty of gore, slime, and grime!
Ben Wasden | Uriah, AL | 08/29/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Slime City is a funky little b-movie along the lines of The Toxic Avenger and Class of Nuke Em' High. In fact, if the movie would have had some nudity, it would have had all the ingredients of a classic Troma movie. It starts out a little show, but this is one of those movies that gets better as it goes along.
Toward the end, Slime City becomes a gory, funny splatterfest. They just don't make them like this anymore. Actually they do, but not on a regular basis like they did in the 80's. If you want a movie full of gore, slime, and gross-out gags, Slime City is for you. If not, then why are on this page anyway?"
Secret Of The Ooze...
Bindy Sue Frønkünschtein | under the rubble | 12/05/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"SLIME CITY is a fantastic little micro-budget indie, right up there w/ BASKET CASE! Robert Sabin is Alex, the newest tenant in an apartment building full of oddballs. Alex is a nice guy w/ an equally nice girlfriend named Lori (Mary Huner). Of course, all this niceness cannot last, so Alex is soon seduced by his sultry neighbor, Nichole (also played by Huner); and winds up doing naughty things. Alex also has dinner w/ another neighbor named Roman, who serves him some green gloop and a strange liquér, supposedly left by a deceased alchemist named Zachary. Well, Alex wakes up one morning covered in slime, and has an irresistible urge to kill! Kill!! KILL!!! The gore effects that follow are very inventive, especially when considering the low-low budget! Alex is a tormented soul, and Lori must face him in the unbelievable climax, complete w/ dismemberment, decapitation, and a crawling brain! All setting my little black heart aquiver! Director Gregory Lamberson has fashioned a slippery classic of sickening (in a good way) proportions! Also included as a bonus feature is Lamberson's NAKED FEAR. In this one, Robert Sabin stars as an agoraphobe who hasn't left his apartment in ten years. He decides to take in a roomie, only to be caught up in a blood-drenched killing spree! The bodies pile up while the oblivious Sabin character finds love through a 900 number! NF is shot on video, yet has decent direction and enough of a story to make me overlook it's shortcomings. Both SLIME CITY and NAKED FEAR are perfect midnight snacks..."