Mischievously Amusing Small Town Comedy...
Kim Anehall | Chicago, IL USA | 07/23/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Traffic in small towns throughout Sweden is rather limited, as gas prices have been soaring for more than a decade. People seem to stay put and go about their business, even though the life slowly pulls the individual through a painfully dreary existence. I grew up in such a place where the theater showed movies once a week and the movies were released on video at the same time that the theater got them. For a teen, it was agonizing, as nothing ever happened, or changed in my little village. The only thing that was organized for youth and teens was soccer, and of course all kids from the village became a part of the local club team. The director Ulf Malmros whom also grew up in such a place captures the idyllic small town nostalgia of Sweden in an hilariously exaggerated manner.
Slim Susie opens with the main character, Erik (Jonas Rimeika), and another character, Micke Tretton (Johan Andersson), who are introduced in a later disturbing scene involving a nail gun, fleeing from someone, most likely very dangerous. Erik and the other person decide to separate, as Erik seeks refuge in a small local dinner where he sits down and watches the opening credits for this film, which by the way offers an amusing mirroring scene between Erik and a claymation character on the television. The scene on the television does not exactly end the way Erik wants it to end, as he finds himself sitting in front of an unknown person with a creepy persona that demands Erik to tell him what happened.
An offer that Erik cannot refuse makes him begin to tell the story from the beginning, which starts with why and how he got back to his home town. The story is told through a flashback that is frequently broken up by the interrogator, as he demands the truth from Erik. Through the grilling questions Erik reveals a number of different characters from the village who were involved in the incident. It is never clear what has happened, but slowly through Erik's story the truth emerges. One thing the audience does know from the beginning is that his sister Susie (Tuva Novotny) has disappeared and this is why he has returned to his monotonous hometown.
The film, in essence, dwells on existentialism through the meaningless existence that many suffer from in the small town. Malmros' story of Erik's return home travels on the edge of small town existence in Sweden revealing several of the issues in regards to the dull rural town living. Through the characters each issue is presented in a manner of how to reduce the agony of living in the small town. There are issues such as infidelity, drugs, reality escape, and depression, which seem to stem from the unhappiness. Nonetheless, it is within the unhappiness where the strength of the story rests, as Malmros exploits this situation with parody.
Malmros mischievously incorporates cinematic elements from many other films such as Pulp Fiction (1994), A Clockwork Orange (1971), and Trainspotting (1996) into Slim Susie, which only enhances the visual experience. The camerawork playfully utilizes several close-ups that naturally make parts of the scenes look disproportional, which elevates the parody within the story. In addition, throughout the film the many characters come across as eccentrically peculiar, which strengthens the notion that Malmros' youthful boredom might have heavily influenced him in his creation of this fantastic cinematic environment. The combined journey of Malmro's creation will leave the audience with a spectacular tale full of dark humor and existential questions in regards to what one should do with their own life."
The accidental rental movie I decided NEVER to return!
roadrunner | Seattle, WA | 08/17/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I was in the mood for a foreign film one evening and stumbled across this in Blockbuster, of all places. Within just a few minutes, I knew I would love this movie. It's a wonderful combination of small town intensity, punk mentality, and a dark, but hilarious mystery. The main character, who moved to Stockholm 3 years earlier, gets a call that his sister is missing. He returns to his home town to look for her and discovers that in his absence, things he took for granted as never-changing had naturally evolved into a sinister situation.
The characters, despite their oddity, are very believable. Two of the very memorable characters were played by local boys who'd never had any prior acting experience. I had never heard of director Ulf Malmros before seeing this movie--now I'm searching for more! The music and editing in this film really make it something to remember.
P.S. I paid Blockbuster so I could keep the movie--and though I've watched Smala Susie many times, it never gets old!"
Pure genius
roadrunner | 08/18/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"the movie is excellent - no it's even better!!
The best film I've seen in ages.. It's very funny, wellplayed and untraditional. but beneath the surface the writer tells a story of a small girls very tragic destiny. It's very VERY moving and the mood sits with you for weeks afterwards.. Films rarely moves me, but this one sure did. tuva novotny (who plays smala sussie) is SO talented. Also check out Pølsa. He's pure genius... Okay, I'm rambling. But it's truly a masterpiece. In my mind a classic-to-be! But generally unknown, sadly.. So if I only were allowed to see one movie this year, this would surely be it!!
Watch it if you liked snatch, donnie darko, nothing but trouble, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind etc
(ps. check out the soundtrack if possible. It's filled with great songs. Also one sung by the lead actress, Tutva novotny. She sings like an angel too. but perhaps that a pretty subjective opinion after seeing her in the movie.. :o)"
Lee Armstrong | Winterville, NC United States | 01/10/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
""Slim Susie" is a tragicomedy that mirrors the mood of films like "Pulp Fiction" & "Fargo." In Swedish director Ulf Malmros' 4th feature, he keeps the pacing brisk, the characters odd, and the story unexpected. Jonas Rimeika in his first film as Erik plays the lead as he looks for his sister Susie. The blond Swedish actor falls in love as he discovers his sister has been murdered. There are a lot of naked people in the film. An unemployed filmmaker shoots movies of himself, including a romantic liaison with the sheriff's wife. Susie is filmed in a tub, and her brother Erik later bathes in the same tub, finding a suspicious bullet hole as the sheriff walks in to investigate. The smaller characters like the woman who works in the nursing home and the shady woman who runs the local video store where special packages are rented in video boxes are distinct. The scene where Johan Andersson nails his cheek with a nail gun is a bit painful to watch, as is all of the phone calls he makes where he can't speak clearly and keeps being hung up on because he can't be understood. The bodies that pile up as the film goes on seem to be accepted without much mourning or grief, which makes the comedy seem really offbeat. This is an interesting film that is strange but not boring. Enjoy!"