Learning Algebra is easy with Slim Goodbody s X-Team! For Middle & High School Students Ages 12+ Meet the X-team and join them as they use their logic and problem solving strategies to tackle tough academic challen... more »ges. Together with history's great mathematical minds ... you ll help solve the mystery of ALGEBRA with this fun and innovative path to learning math. 10 Programs in all! Intent and Mathematical Overview of Program: Expressions(Denial) is program that focuses on equivalent algebraic expressions. Algebra TilesTM are used to model and demonstrate equivalency of expressions as students make generalizations about simplifying expressions. The program begins with the X-team encountering a situation in which they must use what they know about algebraic expressions to create equivalent expressions. The problems presented in the initial program sequence are reversibility type problems, that is, they give students the answer and students create the problem. This requires students to think differently as they, in a sense, have to work backwards from the answer. Students have the opportunity to develop the idea that there are multiple algebraic expressions that simplify to 10x. As the X-team travels to visit Cleopatra, they move from simple algebraic expressions to thinking about two-dimensional representations using area. The area of the rooms remains the same but the configurations of the Algebra TilesTM are varied. From this, students can explore the relationship between the dimensions of the rectangles and the area. They notice that the dimensions are equivalent even though they may be expressed differently in the symbolic representation. Regardless of the variances in the tiles representations, the dimensions are equivalent. The idea of using rectangular arrangements is not to introduce multiplication of algebraic expressions. Instead, it is an introduction to the idea that Algebra TilesTM are based on area. When they are placed in a rectangular arrangement, the total area of the rectangle can be represented by an algebraic expression that is the product of the length and width dimensions. The fact that multiple arrangements can be made that have the same area but with somewhat dimensions may be surprising to students. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics The Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2000) includes standards and benchmarks that are related and aligned with the mathematical presentation in this program. These principles and standards have been followed in this program for Grades 6-8 and 9-12.« less