Sleeping Fist
morgoth | omaha, NE | 12/10/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Great movie. Extremely cheap but when the action is good, nothing else matters.
Leung Ka-Yan(Beardy) plays an officer of the law who knows about a gangs secret. The gang is trying to kill him before he can report them to the government. The movie starts right off with a fight. Beardy starts whooping on some of the gang members at a teahouse and because he was injured by the boss of the gang a day or two ago he is still hurt but uses every last bit of his strength to scare the goons off. He meets an orphan who has to be the most flexible fighter I have ever seen. They even give the kid a one on one match with a much bigger man and it is one of the highlights of the movie.
So next Simon Yuen(Drunken Master and Snake in Eagle's Shadow) shows up. One of the most likeable guys ever to hit the kung fu screen and he is what boosts this movie to a 4 star rating. This has to be the most fighting I have ever seen from him in a movie. A lot of doubling of course but literally only about half of it is not him. So by far the most fighting I have seen from him and he does look very effective with a stick whacking people around and even a scene at the end where you will truly see his power with this stick. Old Fox(Simon Yuen), the Kid, and Beardy make one of the most enjoyable kung fu trios I can remember. Their chemistry is beautiful and you almost wish there was less fighting so we could see more of them interacting. Eddy Ko(Hitman In the Hadn of Buddha) shows up as the villian. The gang hires him to kill Beardy since they can't get the job done themselves(not the deepest of plots). I wouldn't go as far to say Eddy Ko is one of the best villians ever, certainly not in my top 10 but he is GREAT in this movie. The sleeping fist I thought was put to perfect use and Beardy does a great job at doing it. If you want to see somethign similiar check out 'Buddha Assassinator' with Hwang Jang Lee(Drunken Master and Secret Rivals). It is not a great movie or anything but I proimise the final fight will blow you away.
I should give this movie a 3 just because it is full screened but I can live with it. Luckily we have good companies coming around now putting out movies so we don't have to rely on WuTang horrible bootlegs anymore."
morgoth | 06/03/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"you can say that this movie might've made leung kar yan aka beardie a star but i would say the thundering mantis did but this no doubt shook audiences late night with its humor and crisp action. this movie also stars the late great simon yuen as the old fox the master. the kid in the movie performed well on all fores. the main villain in this film is severely underrated and talent eddy ko aka kao hsiung (catch him giving a great dramatic performance in lethal weapon 4).he seems to be always overshadowed by the likes of lo lieh, chang yi, and wong jang lee when it comes to great villains but he is automatically a top 10 all-time in martial arts villainy. the action was superb, the humor is similar to what big sammo hung, jackie chan and yuen biao wouldve came up with and overall a great film. the dvd features and quality is nice indeed. definitely a classic banger to consider."
Leang kar yan ,and simon yuen save this.
PAL | UK | 05/28/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Its an ok movie , with some flaws.Leang kar yan is amongst the greatest martial arts actors , he performed greatly in this movie along with simon yuen[drunken master]. The plot is decent , something a bit new. The action however seems medicore [even with yan] . The most annoying factor , is indeed the kid. His dubbed voice is awful and he may annoy nearly everyone watching it. The plot can get repetitive , and the action seems not as good as other yan films. This is for the more hardcore of kung fu fans.
TO fans or people wanting to watch leang kar yan films , then I strongly RECCOMEND the AWESOME "LEGEND OF A FIGHTER"
lueangs best film in my opinion , a rare masterpiece directed by non other than yuen wo ping."
Sleeping Fist Fury!
Erik James | Orono, Me USA | 04/15/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Leun Kar Lang stars as an officer of the law, who is injured badly by a local gang. With the help of a young acrobatic boy he fights off the bad guys until their leader comes in and almost kills both of them. While in hiding the two meet up with a lonely beggar who takes them in as students and teaches them the sleeping fist technique. After both master this lethal style they are ready to take revenge on the cold hearted bullies. Leun Kar Lang is amazing again, and the fight scenes are nothing less then amazing."