Been waiting for this
C. Bunce | 11/17/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My sister and I have been waiting for this show to come to DVD for quite awhile now and it is quite a pleasure to be able to watch some of our favorite episodes whenever we please.
Simply put the flash animation in this show is exemplary, setting a high standard for other animation studios that use flash. The plots of each episode are generally thought out very well and serves as a very good start for a show in its first season. Characters are fun and engaging and have enough development to be unique and interesting individuals. Overall a great show and a great example that flash animation does not need to look cheap.
About the DVD itself, features are very basic with the only extra features being trailers included for other products. Six episodes are offered altogether: The Art of Rivalry, the Art of Influence, the Art of Strategy, the Art of Turtle Watching, the Art of Tunneling, and the Art of Being a Pebble. Overall, a pretty good mix of episodes that should please most fans and those unknown to the series.
While features are scant, there seem to be some nice little tweaks to the episodes themselves. Firstly, the intro sequence song has been replaced with the European version which will be a boon for some and a disappointment for others. Secondly, the episodes run unedited in their entirety, so for those familiar with the episodes you might see content that was cut due to time concerns. Mind you the extra footage is not significant and can be rather subtle at times, but it is nice to see and seems to make the episodes flow a little better than their television counterparts. For instance speech as well as some scenes seem a little soother and more natural as a result, at least in my opinion.
Overall, it was a good purchase. While lacking in features, what is there is put together nicely and offers some good episodes. Needless to say I look forward to the next DVD release."