"Dean Cameron in his finest hour. I have watched this on vhs 50 times and always pick up something funny. Mr. Cameron was kind enough to answer my emailed questions regarding some aspects of the plot, something that says a great deal for his regard to his fans and his courtesy. Admirable at the least.
I am tempted to buy 2 and keep one pristine for my children when they come of age. Of course my wife may not share my views.... I even took a ski vacation to whister/blackcomb to see that place.
I must have for anyone of anyage who enjoys "juvenile hall antics"
Put that in your pipe and smoke it, mister!
Gene Siskel's Ghost | Salt Lake City, UT, USA | 04/18/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Ski School, released in 1991, is unfortunately one of the last in the now seemingly dead genre of good time, titilating, silly 80's comedies, with no political agenda whatsoever. I for one miss these types of movies very much, having been a child of the 80's myself.The plot is similar to the plot of just about any comedy aimed at the teenage crowd during the 1980's. The Animal House storyline was the blueprint for practically everything during this decade, and more specifically, Ski School copied the Hot Dog: The Movie blueprint almost to the letter. It's a copy of a copy. Nevertheless, I can't imagine anybody thinking of buying a movie called Ski School is looking for oscar worthy performances. This is pure unadulterated fun, and they do it quite well in this flick.In comparison to other ski films, this one stands up. I rate Hot Dog a little higher, for being a little more original and a little funnier, and Hot Dog also had slightly better skiing sequences, but Ski School is the ultimate king in the area of T&A. (Besides, it's a hundred times better than Ski Patrol.) This film might just have the greatest number of beautiful breasts seen in a Rated R film since 1984's Hardbodies, and as Dave Marshack would say "Has anybody got a problem with that?" "NO!" I certainly don't.Skiing action in this film is still quite good and Dean Cameron, who plays Dave and was in such films as Summer School and Men At Work, is a hilarious, underappreciated comic actor, but most of the acting talent in this film is subpar, especially the guy who plays Johnny. I'm not sure I've ever seen a less inspired performance on film than this guy gave. But Dean Cameron is the heartbeat of this film and the villians who play Reed and Derek are pretty funny as well.In summary, the ski action is good, although slightly lower than Hot Dog or Aspen Extreme. The acting performances are adequate, except for Cameron, who excels. And the screenwriter just mailed this one in with little effort, probably after a drunken night of watching Hot Dog! But, the unadulterated good times are in abundence in this film. A lot (and I mean a LOT) of hot girls, many of whom show us what they're made of, and a lot of beer drinking, dancing, and rowdy behavior, make this film worth watching for those looking for stupid 80's fun! As Dave tells his new Section 8 cronies at the beginning of the film: "Ski School is NOT about learning how to ski!" A fun movie!"
D | USA | 08/29/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Bought this yesterday... the dvd is advertised on the back cover as being 1:85 Widescreen. However, it is as actually fullscreen. Rating is for the DVD - not the movie itself."
This movie is like 'Animal House' on a ski slope.
jon | 09/24/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As a man, there isn't anything you won't like about this movie. It has everything; half-naked women, beer, and practical jokes. It's just like 'Animal House' but set on a mountain. Sure, some of the acting is mediocre at best, but you obviously didn't get this movie to analyze it. Remember, "Left at Bald Rock"."
Great Movie! .... Flawed DVD
Michael Zoppa | Boulder, CO USA | 09/15/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I have been a huge fan of Ski School since it first came out, and have been patiently waiting for the day it came out on DVD. That being said, I have some complaints about this DVD.
First off and this is a big one. The dvd is NOT IN WIDESCREEN as advertised on Amazon, and on the back of the DVD itself. This is a huge disappointment.
They also created a new cover for reasons beyond comprehension. The VHS version used the original movie poster Ski School
The cursor on the menu screen is very difficult to see. For that matter the entire menu interface is very amateurish. There are also no special features of any kind. Since this movie was never a high budget affair we can excuse these minor annoyances.
Falsely advertising the movie as widescreen when in fact it's Pan/Scan is however, unforgivable. I doubt they wanted to go through the expense of remastering the movie in widescreen when they had the 4:3 VHS version sitting there. So, I'd bet the widescreen listing on the case is an oversight, but it should have been caught long before the DVD went into production.
The only positive thing I can say about the DVD version of Ski School is the quality is much better than my old VHS copy."