A gripping ghost story with a stunning finale, The Sixth Sense became a surprise blockbuster shortly after its release. The film features Oscar-nominated performances by the startlingly intense Osment and the fiercely mate... more »rnal Collette, as well as a subtle, subdued turn by Willis. Shyamalan directs his intriguing script with almost clinical precision, using carefully framed visuals to create the film's distinctly chilling atmosphere. On the strength of its pitch-perfect acting and direction, The Sixth Sense has become the most successful thriller of all time.« less
Lots of potential but seemed to fall flat the deeper you got into the plotline.
Movie Reviews
Great acting, great screenplay
Reb | Florida | 01/24/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Have you ever watched a scary movie in the dark, and almost swore you saw someone moving out of the corener of your eye? I have, and after seeing this movie it happened a lot more."The Sixth Sense" has great performances from Bruce Willis (who plays Malcolm, an emotionally wounded psychologist)and Haley Joel Osment (who plays Cole, a little boy with a remarkable gift:he sees dead people) The screenplay is wonderful."They don't know they're dead," laments Cole."They think they're alive.They see what they want to see." Malcolm is determined to help him. His marriage has been failing ever since an old case that showed almost the same symtoms shot him in the side and then killed himself.Malcolm is determined not to let that happen to Cole.This is a remarkable movie with a Hitchcokian twist at the end.Watch it, and you'll be doing double takes next time you feel that strange presence behind your back."
Perhaps the best film of 1999.
Nathan Alderman | Washington, DC | 01/15/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Writer/director M. Night Shymalan's "The Sixth Sense" is that rarest of breeds: an intelligent, well-made film that conquered the box office. Equal parts mystery, drama and bone-chilling horror, "Sense" deals with a weary, wounded child psychologist (Bruce Willis) whose latest patient (the remarkable Haley Joel Osment) has a mysterious and terrible gift: he sees ghosts.Shymalan, ably assisted by Tak Fujimoto's brilliantly icy cinematography, wrings suspense and terror out of empty doorways, split-second glimpses of figures in the background, and unknown things lurking in the dark. But this is hardly a cheap slasher film: perhaps the most wonderful aspect of this film is its message, that fear can be conquered through understanding and compassion.Cleverly plotted, bolstered by fine performances from Olivia Williams as Willis's melancholy wife and Toni Colette as Osment's worried mom, and graced with a twist ending worthy of Hitchcock, "The Sixth Sense" is a magnificently creepy film that will have you jumping at shadows long after it's over."
You don't need a "Sixth Sense" to tell this one is good!
chrisignis | Columbia, SC USA | 01/23/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"There has never been a type of movie with more allure than the thriller series. Many have scared the socks off of their poor audience, with a paticular tip of the hat to "The Blair Witch Project," but this movie is different. The movie tells you with its story, its tone, and its color that something will happen, but you can not put your finger on it until the end. The movie supports no "cheap scares" present in movies like Scream in which a scene is not scary, just sudden and startling. This movie, "The Sixth Sense," Will make you afraid. Afraid of the dark, and afraid of being alone. The genuine surprise ending added closure to a genuine 21st century scary movie. And, with added footage, you will not want to miss "The Sixth Sense." Note: This movie is only for those who are not afraid to be truly afraid."
Mandatory Previews Ruin Much Anticipated DVD
Robert E Hunt Jr | Rock Hill, South Carolina | 03/31/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Having seen and *loved* this film during its theatrical run, I pre-ordered this DVD nearly two months in advance of its earliest availability. When the disc arrived, I immediately canceled all other plans and set aside that evening's hours to watch it.Imagine then my profound sense of disappointment when I saw the first preview come on. Instantly, I reached for the DVD remote and pressed the Menu button only to find it had been disabled. When the second preview followed and still the Menu button was dead, I started to feel annoyed. By the time the fourth one began, I was thoroughly and completely angry and pledged never to watch any of the four movies that had been forced on me.Yes, I will admit that once The Sixth Sense began, the experience was every bit as satisfying as I had hoped. And the extra features are a very nice bonus. I don't doubt that this disc will be played many many times before I tire of it.However, in the end, the forced previews ruin this disc. I would have been happy to watch any previews the disc producers wanted me to watch ... so long as they gave me the freedom to choose when to watch them.A fatal mistake. Simply brutal. This disc should be recalled and replaced with one that does not force the experience. At this point, this studio is in my doghouse. If they pull this stunt again, I will never buy another disc from them.This is one Collector's Edition that may become a Trash Collector's edition."
The Sixth Sense
mekizidx@aol.com | usa | 02/02/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie was to say the least phenominal. The story unfoled before in ways that only books have before. All of this was done through the tormented young boy and his crutch for life Bruce Willis. During every scene I told my self repeatedly that I could not wait for it to become available on DVD..and soon (March 28th)! The same thing that I have told everyone, the movie is a solid 9 on it's own. The "ghost" could have had a few more scences. But when I knew the movie was over I thought that I really liked it and would watch it on video when it was released...THEN BANG! THE GREATEST ENDING I have seen in any movie ever. If nothing else, buy this DVD (or video) just for the ending alone and watch a story of one tormented boy,terrorised by the very same fears that got to us all in our youths and be mezmorised."