Jim Wilson's gang steals a fortune in jewels in a daring daylight robbery. Captain William Carson trails the gang to a border town. Disguising himself as a shady Chinese businessman, he sets up shop. Carson wins a fortune ... more »from Wilson in a poker game and the outlaw arranges to pay the 'Chinaman' with the stolen jewels. The lawman's plan seems to be working perfectly except for one thing: Wilson plans to turn the gems over, and then murder Carson.Tim McCoy was a superstar of cowboy films In the '20s and '30s, appearing in scores of early Westerns for M.G.M. and smaller studios. He was an expert horseman, roper and a sharpshooter, renowned for his fast draw. After serving as an officer in World War II, he returned to Hollywood to star in The Rough Riders film series with Buck Jones and Raymond Hatton. Six-Gun Trail is one of a series of eight films in which he portrayed lawman 'Lightning' Bill Carson, often called upon to go undercover in disguise, here as a nefarious Asian smuggler.« less