What is wrong with Franky? (Larry Laverty) He's been having troubles and premonitions. One day while jogging, — he meets 3 witches posing as burlesque dancers. This is finally the big break he's been waiting for. All mayhem... more » breaks loose in this Comedy Horror when MOMMY (Betty Gard) finds out!!!
Jessica (Ivey Bronwen) has inherited a book of invocations from her grandmother. As leader of an ancient order, the Sisterhood of Death, she draws Alice (Ronda Olshefski) and Rachel (Ashley Morrison) into a coven. Together, they lure con men into their lair under the guise of a phony burlesque rehearsal.
The girls summon demons and offer each man as a sacrifice in exchange for power. As the power corrupts, the girls come to realize that they are just pawns in a much more sinister, masterfully crafted, diabolical plot.
Plans unfolded like clockwork until they meet Franky and Mommy.« less