Sister Wendy Beckett has transformed public appreciation of art through her astonishing knowledge, insight and passion for painting and painters. Join her on a trip across the world and through the ages, where her contempl... more »ative insights and unorthodox enthusiasm bring the world's great art to life. Contains Sister Wendy's Story of Painting, Sister Wendy's Odyssey, and Sister Wendy's Grand Tour.« less
""The story of painting is one that is immensely rich in meaning, yet its value is all too often hidden from us by the complexities of historians. We must forget the densities of 'history' and simply surrender to the wonder of the story."" --Sister Wendy Beckett
This four-DVD set presents every Sister Wendy episode from her Story of Painting series, plus Sister Wendy's Odyssey, Sister Wendy's Pains of Glass, Sister Wendy's Grand Tour and an interview with Sister Wendy.
When watching these DVDs, you will become as enthralled with art as Sister Wendy is herself. As a long-time fan of her books, I was pleased to finally be able to view the art all over Europe and to hear her poetic explanations.
When explaining the paintings at the Caves of Lascaux, I was surprised when she mentioned evolution. However, it was so delightful to hear a nun explaining the cave art and concluding that art is about being human. What made me laugh out loud was those times when she just breaks free from reticence and says things like "male erotic fury" when describing the cave painting.
At times Sister Wendy says the most amusing things. They are all in innocence and show her beauty, yet slightly mischievous side.
She is not your "everyday" nun or at least, she is not what I expected. She fully embraces art with an aesthetic sensibility all while exploring the very human and at times erotic side of art. Kids will never catch onto this as it will go right over
their heads.
I just find the way she becomes so intoxicated with art to be very entertaining. Sister Wendy seems to view the world with a sense of childlike wonder and yet has the knowledge of a scholar.
The way she presents the art awakens a love and appreciation for art that becomes so strong you might even find yourself overwhelmed by beauty.
Not only do you get to view the art, the environments in which it was created and see how art changed over time, Sister Wendy explains color, symbolism and the spiritual, political and personal aspects of the paintings. Art comes alive and is no longer just a painting. It is a combination of the experiences that make up life. She explains the emotions the characters are feeling and even gives logical explanations for the Mona Lisa's smile.
I learned many things while viewing these DVDs. You can read many books on art, but viewing Sister Wendy's programs is a much more enlightening way to go. There is also a "special feature" where pop-up notes on artists and their work appear so you can view additional information while watching the shows. You can also pause the program to zoom in on the paintings.
What makes these shows a thing of great beauty is the natural settings in which the art was created. You have waves crashing on rocks as she discusses Scotland in 800 AD. You view Venice in all its beauty and see Pompeii like never before.
I had a difficult time writing anything down while watching the shows because I was so completely captivated. If this doesn't inspire you to go to Europe, nothing will!
Other books I have found to be of great beauty:
Sister Wendy's Book of Meditations
Sister Wendy's Impressionist Masterpieces
Love: Meditations on Love by Sister Wendy
Sister Wendy's Story of Painting
~The Rebecca Review"
Put aside your prejudice, learn and have fun!
P. Caetano | Maineville, OH United States | 08/31/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I highly recommend this DVD even if the idea of an old nun talking about art doesn't seem appealing or trendy to you. Believe me, I was VERY suspicious about it and also prejudiced at the beginning, but Sister Wendy's excellent teachings of art history coupled with her intense passion for the subject has completely won me over. If like me your prejudiced, go ahead and buy it, the chances are that you won't regret it. You willl learn a lot and have fun too. I went to the inauguration events of both Bilbao's Guggenheim and Cincinnati's CAC. I am attracted to art not only because of the art itself but also because of the avant-gard, rebellious, environment of sophistication and good taste that surrounds it. Thus, I am in the target category of people who may be prejudiced against an old nun talking about art as that brings to mind images of conservativism, total obcession with old religious paintings, preaching, unworldlyness, lack of technical knowledge, etc, etc. Nothing of that is true of Sister Wendy. In fact in this DVD she will tell you that Matisse is her favorite painter (surprised that is not Giotto?), she will provide all the technical details and context like an Ivy league professor and she will gp beyond that by pouring her heart out about the emotions that the paintings originate in her, and you will be surprised to know that is not all about piety. The best DVD I have ever seen about art and I have an extensive collection with more traditional sources as narrators (museum directors, NY art critics, painters, etc) which aren't nearly as good."
Wendy is wonderful
P. Caetano | 06/07/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Wendy presents the world of art on a variety of levels, historic, psychological, spritual and mystical. She is enthusiastic and emotional towards her topics. Listening to her is really a joy. Consider that her life is not filled with the financial, relational, and ownership concerns that most of us deal with on a daily basis. Her spirit is uncluttered to the point that she can see clearly, freely and purely and she wants to share that experience with us. She has no real possessions of her own, but wants to give us what she does have, and that is her obvious enthusiasm, insight and deep understanding."
Great for beginners!
William Gekas | Balboa Island, CA United States | 12/10/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I use Sister Wendy in my Art History classes for unsophisticated students who tend to think comic books and video games are all that there is to fine art. They laugh uproariously at Sister Wendy herself, but not at the art she presents. I know it seems juvenile, but the truth is that art tends to intimidate people; some react by deriding it as a defence to their ignorance. Sister Wendy breaks the ice. She adds "sizzle" to attract the viewer with works that might normally be ignored. She allows the novice access to timeless beauty. She melts prejudice with humor and sincere admiration. In short, depite her rather unorthodox methods, Sister Wendy opens minds."
She's a little kooky but she's cool...
D. Mancino | CA United States | 06/24/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Making great works of art accessible to everyone is a worthy enterprise. Sister Wendy sets out on this daunting task with her interesting lisp and her offbeat analysis of some iconic images. Her enthusiasm is infectious. People really are intimidated when they see this stuff. Afraid to "get it wrong". Sister Wendy is here to lead you into looking at art yourself with that some of her child-like enthusiasm and an open mind. She likes to show you how to dump your preconceived notions of what is and is not great art and relax into just looking. I know it sounds weird but Sister Wendy is a bit of a hedonist that way. I find her analysis very strange at times. I don't always agree with her but she is so much fun I can forgive her anything.
For a fun little game, try to count the number of times she says "Ewotic" in a given episode. The makings of a great drinking game there."