Sweet series
The Anime Adict | St. Cloud Mn USA | 08/16/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Okay now then where to begin. Sister Princess is about a guy named Wataru. Wataru is the top student in his class, a shoe in for is chosen high school. However he fills in his high school entrance exam answer sheet wrong and there for rejected from the only school he applied to. Thus the hillarity begins, first his life long buttler says far well. But before he leaves he announces Wataru's acceptance in to a high school on an island, named Promised Island, he is then forcably whisked away to the mysterious island. Upon arriving he meets each of his twelve sisters, yes you heard me twelve sisters and begins to live with them and the series goes on from there.
Now to the actual reviewing. First off if you can put aside how rediculus a sixteen year old boy having twelve sister that all but three or four are less then three years younger then him then you will find a pleasent, clean series. Again this series is one of the cleanest series I have ever seen. Which is a nice change of pace, there are a out of place sexy jokes, but no jiggle or pantie shots and no romance. This is simply a story clean and pleasant about a boy and his relationship with his sisters, that though are very pretty have very little curves. All of which are truly and deeply madly in love with their older brother.
Don't let this put you off though. Everyone, even the guys, are beautifully drawn and despite the large cast everyone has their own definate personality. From the rather elegent but slow Aria to the tender harted Karin, it is difficult to mistaken any on of the characters for another. This is in part dew to the fact that each sister has a unquic voice and acsent. All work well, the only one that doesn't make sense is the traditional Japanese sister that has a thick dutch acsent?
Aside from the first two and last two and few in the middle each episode is donated to a different sister. The pace is nice and it'll keep watching just to see what's next.
The art and music design are excellent. The opening theme is actually so good that it is one of the few that I've seen that made me want to listen to it and not skip ahead to the episode, I even rewinded a few times.
I recommend this to anyone that is looking for a simple unomplicated story or something for their kids to watch. This series can be enjoyed by all ages and doesn't really have any twists.
Before I go a review of the actual box set itself. The box set is one of ADV's new thin pack packages. Best thing about the box set is the cases are small and don't take up much space. The box for the case is sturdy and well made with nice art work. But that's really all the good things I can say about the box set. In the end I wouldn't recommend getting the box set, like most of the thin box sets. Why you ask? Well for a simple reason is ADV goes threw each disc and removes all of the extra content with the exception of a few trailers on the first disc. This means the textless opening and closings, cast interviews, insert pages even the reversible covers are all gone which sucks big time. So if you have the money use it to buy the disc separately and keep the extras it'll cost you a little extra but I think it's worth it."
Sister Princess
Eric J. Waite | 01/28/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Sister Princess is a charming anime. It has great interpersonnal interactions. The characters are believable without going over-board.
The cons of Sister Princess are that it is nothing really excptional. The plot and story are not particualarly orginal.
In my opinion it is worth the money since the thin-pack is priced well and it is a good anime."
Makes me want 12 sisters
Hajime Takai | Virginia, USA | 03/13/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This was just an outstanding series in my opinion. The story follows Wataru, a boy who is denied to attend an 'elite' school in Tokyo and is sent to Promised Island. It is here where he finds out that he has 12 sisters. Yes...12 sisters. He then begins living in the house with his 12 siblings and the story follows this as he learns what it means to be important to so many.
This series was top-notch in my opinion. It showed just how bonds are formed and why family is so important. I can't begin to put into words the feelings that encompass the series because emotions are common in the series. The set does have its funny spots and it has it sad points, but it combines these two elements so well that the plot couldn't be made any better. I'm just blown away by these series, kudos to the designers and everyone who worked on it.
The art design, characters, scenery, and plot are just so detailed and it is just an amazing combination when put into visual and sound. This series is a must have for anime collectors such as myself. After viewing this series it has become one of my treasured items. I also think that the sound tracks used should have some credit. The opening song just blew me away, I could listen to it all day. Same with the end song and even some of the music during the shows. Usually I don't talk about the opening songs, but this really deserved to be mentioned. EXTREMELY GOOD series. I wish I could rate it higher."