Reviewed on 12/31/2023...
Solid terror!
0 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Robert B. (rbrown) from STARKVILLE, MS
Reviewed on 4/22/2013...
Ethan Hawke plays a failed novelist who has turned to writing true-crime books to pay the bills. He moves his family into a house where the previous family had all been hanged from a tree in the backyard...except for one daughter, who was never found. While moving in, he finds a projector and a box of old Super 8 films in the attic. While watching the films later, he discovers that they document the murders of several families, including the one that had taken place in his new house. And then things get REALLY weird. I wanted to like this film--honest, I did. And I guess that I did like it, in some small way. I just didn't find it to be very scary, and the explanation for what was causing all the weirdness was pretty lame (and the lead bogeyman apparently moonlights as a member of the band Slipknot). As for positive traits, there was some good atmosphere, and the performances were okay. But aside from a few jump scares where the soundtrack GETS VERY LOUD ALL OF A SUDDEN, it didn't raise my heartbeat much. I tend to judge horror films by whether they give me gooseflesh--whether they make my skin crawl. All of my favorites have a least one moment in each of them that really makes me squirm. This one never had that moment.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.