How Crazy can it get when two rich, sexy, big-city blondes, Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie, find themselves knee-deep in rural reality, looking for fun in all the wrong places yet trying to survive without credit cards, ni... more »ghtclubs, and Saks 5th Avenue! With wild, you-gotta-see-it-to-believe-it outtakes, this is the show that's got everybody talking! So lock up your sons and see what happens when the girls with everything go from filthy rich?to just plan filthy!« less
Nancy W. from CHARLOTTE, NC Reviewed on 12/24/2010...
If you watch this and realize that these girls will go to great lengths to not have to work AND they were paid for it...... See the humor in it. I did and it was entertaining since I realize there really are princesses out there that will go to these extremes!!!
Movie Reviews
Should be called 'The Sickening Life'
Cynthia Reader | Texas | 11/19/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"After running across Paris Hilton's awful 'book' in the bookstore, and seeing the reviews on this site of this DVD, I actually suffered through this to see if this was for real. Unfortunately, IT IS! These twits must be acting through the whole thing, because nobody could actually be that appalling, could they? But I really do not believe they are acting. This is pathetic! Have these people had no training whatsoever? Are they completely clueless in the etiquette department? This crap is not funny at all! The Leding family must have the patience of a saint, or perhaps, unlike their ungrateful guests, they just did not want to make fools of themselves on national tv. I would have thrown them out in the first 30 minutes! It is absolutely appalling to me how two totally disgusting, dishonest, wretched, lazy and downright stupid people can garner so much attention. This crap is an embarrassment to America! Who are their fans? Rebellious teens? Nothing these two did in this awful escapade was worthy of watching. Stealing, lying, picking on teen girls and taking their boyfriends? Dressing like hookers, acting unbelievably snobbish and stupid, and laughing at their hosts? And why wasn't Nicole Ritchie arrested for her little Clorox incident? People look up to these two because they happen to be born rich? And then some of their 'fans' say that people who look down on them are just jealous. What is there to be jealous of? All of their money combined, multiplied by 100 could never buy the most important things in life that they will never have: intelligence, honesty, compassion, gratefulness, morals, manners....
I can only hope that this stupid 'reality' craze will soon come to a halt, and in ten years, nobody will remember who these morons are. Our culture has sunk to a new low!
Blonde Jokes
Tim Brough | Springfield, PA United States | 01/30/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I know this will probably generate a ton of NO votes, but this has got to be the most unfunny comedy ever monkey-fed to the goobers that dig "Reality TV." I was barely able to stomach more than half of the two episodes I watched on TV, and I viewed them because they were the talk of work the mornings after they aired. But where most of my co-workers saw hilarity, I saw a pair of despicable, pathetic, spoiled bimbettes with little or no values and barely a brain to split between them. That their host family didn't take Nicole and Paris out to the woodshed for a sound whupping amazes me, because they wouldn't have lasted 30 minutes with a heartland family had the cameras not been trained on them. Yet the enormity of the hype that these two worthless show-biz kids managed to whip up around themselves gives one pause. They managed to denigrate anything that their hosts tried to offer them, couldn't as much as hold a job for more than a day without either throwing a tantrum or stealing from the employer, and basically disobeyed any kind of disciplines that were requested of them. All they seemed to be capable of doing was giggle, show cleavage, curse like sailors and behave like remorseless bubble-heads, barely capable of sheathing their contempt till they could escape the farm and get back to their bank accounts. Do these two irresponsible twits have parents that care if their daughters provide incontrovertible evidence of their absolute failures as an upbringer of their children? Or that abortion should be retroactive?Buy if you must, but frankly I wish that Paris and Nicole's 15 minutes would end as soon as possible."
"America's Moral's are lost"...
Teresa Tomsic | Columbus,Ohio | 07/07/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
""Is this some kind of joke?? I rented this with my family,cause a friend told me,"It's so stupid,that its funny". Unknowing that it is not funny. Take 2 rich young,blonde,rich girl's who guys/men have major crushes on them,put them on a farm,without cell phones,credit cards,etc,& let them see how hard REAL PEOPLE WORK,& make them do it for 30 days...Oh!! the HORROR!!!! No credit cards,boo hoo,they really must have it bad in their lives,(yeah right).Paris & Nicki are known for showing off,partying,showing skin,& the rest we know..This was pathetic,watching these 2 rich brats try & work at a burger shop,and they couldnt even do that or any of the jobs they were given,(sad).All the girls wanted to do was go out with boys,party and really act the way they do at home,(ever since 2 of age,they sit on their butts,having everyone do everything for them). They broke up guys relationships with their girlfriends,(if you watch the part where Paris tells this girl,"He dont want you anymore",& to see her face,how it hurt,& all they did was laugh at all the MEAN things they did to ANOTHER HUMAN BEING,(put the shoe on the other foot girls).Telling lies to Guys,saying they would Model,etc...And watching this,I don't believe for one moment they were acting,this is how they really are.Need to grow it up & watch out Girls,someday you may actualy have to WORK for a living.When youve been raised not to care about hurting other peoples feelings,their town,and fake appologies,we'll what do we expect when our youth are watching this and saying its ok to act like this & get away with it cause you have $$$,would we?? This is a mean-spirited couple of Girls who buy their way out of everything,(in the real life,people WORK for a living).Even the ending,where Nicki lose's her purse & goes nuts,threatning people,throwing clorox on the pool table,and acting like a BABY,finally the truth was heard,"Go HOME RICH WITCHE'S",it rhymes with witch,that was the best of the whole show!!! 'PATHETIC"`"
Fox is known for taking chances on useless crap
Cynthia Reader | 12/24/2003
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This show is awful. The pilot is entertaining, but it's all downhill after that. It's obvious these two are aware of the cameras at all times, as they behave as stupidly as possible. Hilton spits out as many ignorant comments as possible and Nicole acts ridiculous like she was on crack the entire time (after the show she was arrested for possession.) Hilton later admits the producers had them dress up in skimpy outfits to make them stand out in this town as much as possible, and that she was playing up her character by making famous comments such as "What is Wal-Mart, do they sell wall stuff?" After purposely losing every job they're assigned, these two treat the town as if they were not there to try to work as normal people, but to mock it as much as possible. They dress like hookers for a community fair they were offered to help out in, and pick a fight with a 15-year-old girl. Of course the Paris Hilton sex-tape scandal miraculously showed up just in time to get America to tune in to the show. There's talk of a season two, but just how much can viewers take? With an extra star for the pilot being funny and the occassional laugh I got from Nicole Ritchie, the rest of the series is just plain predictable. It's exactly as you'd expect two millionaires, or millionaires' daughters, to act when you've given them their own show; selfish and disrespectful. I feel sorry for the family who offered their home to them."
Reality Check
Robert Lanckton | Bellevue, WA USA | 01/17/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I had seen the show "The Simple Life" several times before on the television, but I hadn't ever the chance to actually sit down to watch it. I recently read Paris Hiltons book, Confessions of an Heiress, and it inspired me to watch her shows.
This is certainly one of the most hilarious shows in the world as its 2 young women who laugh their way through... silly(?) experiences and try their "best" to get things done. I love these girls! They live life the way they want to, and the way I feel most people should... They are real women who make me smile and laugh! I Highly recommend watching these with friends so you all can laugh about how stupid we ALL can be! Great Party DVD.
*I DO NOT recommend this to anyone who is 15 or younger."