Chuck Norris at his best in this sci-fi action drama. A must see for fans!
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Movie Reviews
Science created him, but can Chuck stop him?
HorrorMan | The Marsten House | 06/23/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Chuck does horror in the 1982 classic "Silent Rage" in which Chuck Norris, as Sheriff Dan Stevens, takes on a superhuman biological project gone bad in John Kirby. John Kirby was already dangerously disturbed before he was killed, but after he is brought back to life by a mad scientist, this guy is unstoppable!! I mean I am talking Michael Myers style!! John Kirby is evil, dangerous and deadly as he kills a bunch of people on his way to a match with Sheriff Dan Stevens and his karate kicks. Will Chuck be a match for John Kirby? On paper, the answer is no, but with Chuck's karate kicks and chops having more power than shotgun blasts, one would have to give the edge to Chuck Norris in this matchup.
Notwithstanding Chuck Norris' notorious karate scene when he beats the butts of an entire biker gang in a bar all by himself, this movie does have some horror merit to it, although not much. First, you gotta love the music in this flick, especially John Kirby's theme or death song. Kirby does look mad and evil at times in this movie and is quite effective at presenting this look to the audience. I was especially impressed with his killings in the beginning before he became superhuman, just brutal kills!!! That being said, this movie is very light to nil on scares.
Give John Kirby credit guys as this guy has skills. Can Chuck Norris stop him? Better check it out along with Chuck Norris's comic sidekick in the 80's classic karate horror flick named "Silent Rage". The kills are decent in this movie and the killer, John Kirby, is extremely formidable. The acting is average to slightly above average for this type of flick and there are moments where horror is evident as John Kirby stalks his victims. I must admit this is not a great or a good horror movie, but I do speak of "Silent Rage" with affection as it does not try to do too much with its simple plot.
The good thing about "Silent Rage" is that it stays within itself and does not try to do too much with silly twists. The creators of "Silent Rage" do a decent job of presenting an evil and maniacal killer with superhuman strength killing people for the sheer enjoyment of it; and it is up to Chuck Norris to stop John Kirby? After watching this movie myself, I do not know who is more unstoppable between the inhuman John Kirby and the infallible Chuck Norris. Check out Chuck Norris in "Silent Rage" NOW!! Do not expect a great horror movie and you should enjoy yourself mightily."
A Wild Movie!
Melvin Hunt | Cleveland,, Texas United States | 06/07/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Chuch Norris as I have never seen him. As the Sheriff of a small town he does battle with an indestructible man. This man started the movie as a mental patient who commits murder at an apartment complex. Theman is gunned down by the police. At the hospital he is made indestructible by doctors(mad scientists).He then proceeds to kill everyone who poses a threat to him. Before he and Chuck meet up Chuck whips a motorcycle gang. At the end of the movie he and Sheriff Chuck wage war all over the countryside. Nothing Chuck does to him will kill him. Sheriff Chuck finally throws him in a well. It ends with the mad killer springing out of the water. My only dissapointment was that there wasn't a sequel. A very exciting movie. A bit different for Chuck Norris though."
Ultimate killing machine vs the ultimate fighting machine
anthony ward | cheshire, north west England | 04/02/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"a must for all chuck fans ,indestructable madman (brian libby) goes on the rampage after being injected with a super healing serum ,needless to say chuck comes to the rescue not only [whooping him],he even has time to take on a gang of bikers in what is a classic bar room brawl,in which chuck shows why he was six time karate champ.this film should be taken for what it is sheer enjoyment!sit back and watch chuck at his [brawling] best,the baddies are excellent too,watch and judge for yourself."
A fun thriller
Melvin Hunt | 08/08/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I usually find Norris' movies somewhat dull and repetative, but this movie crosses over the endless, cookie cutter karate flicks to a somewhat pioneering style, that is more of a thriller than simply just martial arts. I find this movie accentuates Norris' gifts (physical ability) and avoids his flat acting pretty well. We are also fortunate to have some decent actors involved in the project, despite it's lack of success and occasional lapses in interest. The movie does a surprisingly good job in establishing these characters and identifying with the audience. This helps in many of the horror scenes, where you actually find yourself caring about the characters and getting drawn into the suspense. I personally found the final fight scenes with Norris and Libby very entertaining. Because of the invincibility of Libby's character, you can't help but to wonder how it's going to end. We know Chuck can't lose, but we also know that it's impossible for him to win. The ending was quite logical and somewhat frightening, since it takes you by surprise and you realize that it's the only way it can go. The movie does have it's problems though. It does have some lapses in the story, that appear deliberately put in just to get Chuck in some fights with bikers. I found much of the biker scenes somewhat silly and poorly thought out. Also, I had a problem with Libby's character losing his mind in the span of a few minutes, just because the people downstairs were arguing a lot. I realize that he was unstable to begin with, but he just calls up his doctor, says "I'm losing it" and goes right outside where he picks up an axe and turns into a viscious killer. All in all, it is a very entertaining "B" movie flick, that showed a lot more than just Norris wiping the floor with someone. To me, this is the only film of Norris' that I can think of, that I actually enjoyed watching many times. The reason is, that it does'nt just focus on him and keeps him more of an important character, rather than carry the entire movie. This is a good idea, considering Norris' limited acting ability, but exceptionally talented physicality . If you have'nt seen this movie yet, check it out. It is an early 80's low budget movie, but I think you'll be pleasantly surprised."
Chuck Norris has his hands full
C.H. | Beach Park, IL | 09/06/2001
(3 out of 5 stars)
"After unbalanced John Kirby (Brian Libby) snaps and kills two people, he is gravely wounded by police after a scuffle with Texas sheriff Chuck Norris. Kirby is taken away presumed to be dying, and Norris thinks that's the end of it. But scientists attending the wounded man try out a new serum that accelerates the healing process, and it works - but his mind is even more deranged now. Things go from bad to worse when Kirby disappears.Meanwhile, Norris tries to patch things up with former girlfriend Allison (Toni Kalem) while he and his friendly deputy Charlie (Stephen Furst) clean up a motorcycle gang in a great barroom scene where Chuck says "You're next" to the last punk who's standing up. After Chuck decks the last one, Charlie then suggests that they read them their rights.Things get more tense that night when Kirby stalks the three scientists - and Allison. Norris then meets his match in a man who's basically indestructible. Not a bad punch-up/slasher film. Some good action sequences and a few geniunely suspenseful scenes. At least the "indestructible killer" plotline put a neat twist on things. Katey Sagel of "Married With Children" sings the "love" song."