Silencers Should Have Been Silenced - Avoid!!!!
CFH | Blue Ridge Summit, PA USA | 09/05/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Some movies are so bad that they are actually "good", but Silencers doesn't fall into that category. In short, Silencers is just awful and should be avoided at all costs. I already wasted some money renting it and almost 2 hours of my life watching this disaster, so if you heed this warning you won't have to as well.
The movie starts out on promising note, with an opening scene that has decent enough effects, effectively sets a solid SciFi tone, and even has a little bit of humor. Sadly, it is all downhill from there. No plot spoilers from me (just in case you feel you just HAVE to see every SciFi ever made); the movie follows Secret Service Agent Rafferty as he attempts to protect the life of an alien who may or not be trying to help mankind. There are so many plot holes that it would be hard to start listing them, so I'm not even going to try.
The laughable script, which uses just about every stereotype and Cliché possible, is made even worse by really bad acting performances by just about everyone appearing in the movie. While every SciFi movie takes some suspension of disbelief, this one requires the type that only comes with a frontal lobotomy. This doesn't just apply to the aliens and their technology, but even to the humans and their ability to have exactly what's needed just when it's required. Oh, and wait until you see the lunatic fringe UFO magazine staff who can produce military issue C-4 and fight better than the "hero" of the story.
I could go on about the poor cinematography with disturbing camera angles, the bad special effects, preachy social and environment messages, over usage of techno-babble, cheesy sets, and implausible action sequences, but if you have gotten this far and still want to see the movie there really isn't any point in trying to dissuade you any further.
Not recommended!"