Alex, Leah, their frog Hopkins, and host Rachel Coleman teach the alphabet in American Sign Language. Created for ages 1-8 but enjoyed by all! Available only on DVD. Close-Captioned. Approximate run time: 30 minutes, plus ... more »special features. ABC Signs includes the following original songs, written by Rachel Coleman: Signing Time Theme A is for Alex and Alligator LMNO Lonely Letter X Special Features Sign Review - Learning the signs in "A is for Alex and Alligator" - Manual Alphabet - Name Signs. ASL Signs ASL signs taught in this DVD: A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z. And if you pay close attention, you'll also see and learn these additional signs: Singing - Time - Dancing - Laughing - Playing - Favorite - Signing - Lots - Room - Everyone - Start - Today - Come - Meet - Find - Different - Share - Day - Alligator - Best Friend - Baseball Bat - Careful - Caterpillar - Diaper - Dance - Empty - Elevator - Funny - Fright - Good - Game - Great - Good Morning - Good Night - Hugs - Hello - How Are You - Ice - Important - Juice - Joke - Kid - King - Kiss - Laugh - Maybe - Mice - Nice - Now - Never - Owls - Party - Peanut Butter - Quiet - Queen - Run - Ready Right - Rachel - Sit - Sing - Tired - Story - Umbrella - Understand - Very - Visit - Vacation - Work - Wind - X-Ray - Yesterday - Zipper - Finished (done) - Many - Letters - Signs - Words - Little - Time - Numbers 1-10 - Know - More - One - Name - Not - Same - Each - Credit - Pay Attention - When - Said - Line - Fit - Our - Sounds - Benefits - Much - Better - Farther - Work - Little - Hard (difficult) - Again - Skill - Different - Still - Much - Fact - Alone (lonely) - Can't - Imagine - Next - Only - Need - Expert - Exactly - Where - Think - That - Who - Correct (right) - Yes - Praise - Wait - Fun - Learn - All - Proud - Sign Language - Count - Show - Ready - We - Love - I love you - Practice - Name - Deaf - Give.« less
"We discovered Signing Time while researching ASL (American Sign Language) as a 2nd language for our children. We knew we wanted to teach ASL as a 2nd language because of the many benefits such as earlier communication. You can communicate with your baby as young as 8 months old, maybe even younger. What a gift to know what your child needs before they can tell you with spoken words! For more information on the benefits of ASL check out the Signing Time website at
What fun the songs are in this volume. The ABC songs are very catchy and show you lots of new signs. If you can only get one of the Signing Time shows I would suggest this one because it covers so much information. The entire alphabet is shown along with words for each letter. Also numbers 1-10 in ASL. This volume is currently my kid's favorite.
We love that we get to hear Leah's voice. What a positive experience for children who are Deaf and Hard Of Hearing to see another Child who is Deaf proudly using their voice. Leah does a great job. It is also great for children who are hearing to see that children who are Deaf can and do use their voices. Alex does a great job as well. We love to see the 2 friends/cousins interacting together. We also enjoyed the addition of the frog Hopkins. He helps transition from one theme to another smoothly.
One downside to this volume. While it does introduce tons of new signs not all of the words from the show are shown in sign. I know it is difficult to show every sign but we would have found it very helpful. For example B is for bubbles but they don't show the sign for bubbles. If you have a child who wants to know the sign for everything you need to do your homework for this volume. I have made a list of the words that are discussed in this volume but don't have a sign in the show. Many of the words are shown in other volumes of Signing Time and I have marked them with a * the rest are not shown in any of the volumes so you may want to look them up. Also a slide and a horse are shown. They do not say the word or show the sign. My 2 year old saw them though and wanted to know those signs as well so you may want to look them up also.
Hopkins or frog*
Ice Cream*
Pink* and Pig*
Yellow* and Yarn
One other thing that may be confusing for some younger kids is some of the word choices. For example O is for organ. Many kids are not familiar with this instrument so you may find your younger ones arguing with you that O is for piano, Q is for blanket (quilt), N is for paper (newspaper), V is for car (van), and K is for ball (kick).
We like that the written word comes on the screen first and then they show the sign. It is very helpful for practicing the signs. It is like a video flashcard. It also helps children develop reading skills because they start to recognize the written word that goes with the sign. We love watching the children do the signs because you see lots of different kids and lots of different skill levels. It gives you an idea of how your child might make the sign at different ages. Rachel also does the sign so you can clearly see the proper way to do it. She has paint on her fingers to help you focus on her finger positions. This is a new addition for Volumes 3-6. Some people find it distracting at first but I found it very helpful.
Each DVD has a section on the menu of ASL tips. This is a good way to get additional information. On this volume they show a breakdown of the signs in the ABC song, the manual alphabet and they discuss name signs (as in my name is...). Many people have questions about name signs so this is a very helpful section
The song during the credits is a great way to learn additional signs that were not covered in the show. You can really add to your signing vocabulary if you pay attention. The new version of the theme song is a little slower (so you can sign along) and has an additional verse. Some may not like it as well as the original but we loved it. We love the original version too so make sure you get both. The older version is in Volumes 1-3. We liked the new verse "Where friends can meet and find we're not so different after all" Isn't that what Signing Time is all about?
I highly recommend this volume of signing time as well as the other 5 in the series. As a mother and a teacher I can say it is truly the best educational tool I have found for teaching ASL to children (and adults too). I hope they make many more and I will buy them all without hesitation. These shows are a labor of love for these families and we are thankful they chose to share with us.
Can I give this a 5+++++++++??
Kei Malone | Western MA | 03/28/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This volume needs to be in every preschool and elementary school, public library and every home video library. Since we got this one in December, my son has gone around the house and his classroom obsessed with the alphabet. He can identify, sign and say every letter, and can discriminate between upper and lower case letters. At the mall the other day, he said and signed every letter on the 'target' sign. When we sing the 'A is for Alex and Alligator' song from this volume, he adds other words to it himself, and proudly says "W~ William!"! Not only has it helped him verbally, but he is refining his fine motor skills too! William is 4½ and has Trisomy 21/aka Down syndrome. The Signing Time series has been so helpful in all areas of learning.
Signing Time is 'Superbly Terrific'! and this one is a necessity!"
E. Barber | Washington, D.C. | 09/21/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"There is nothing to dislike about the Signing Time videos! We purchased all six volumes, and while they are all absolutely wonderful, ABCs is our favorite. While our son is very proficient with "milk" and "more," he hasn't demonstrated the extensive practical usage that we hoped -- we are probably to blame because we haven't been consistent as suggested on the Signing Time website. However, an added benefit we've found is that my husband and I can use sign language when we can't communicate verbally, such as in church, when he's outside the car and I can't hear him, or when we need to be quiet. It's a really handy second language, and with some practice, finger spelling is easy. Also what is so enjoyable about these videos is that Rachel Coleman is an outstanding singer/songwriter, and performer -- you can learn more signs by watching her sing/sign; this adds a fun challenge!"
Entertaining and Educational
A. Greathouse | Bay Point, CA United States | 05/30/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As the mother of twins, one hearing and one deaf, I have had the opportunity to check out many programs for teaching ASL to small children. This is by far the best series out there. Most other products are so boring that parents must struggle to stay awake during the production, and there is no way a toddler would tolerate a viewing. My 2-year-old twins request Signing Time all of the time. At home they want the DVDs playing almost constantly. In the car my hearing daughter starts asking for the Signing Time CD before I even have her strapped into her carseat. My 2-year-old deaf daughter is using 5-sign sentences, which is almost unheard of for the deaf child of hearing parents. My extended family owns a total of 6 sets of Signing Time. Whenever my daughters' cousins have a birthday they ask for the latest Signing Time DVDs. Children of all ages love this product."
Signing Time, ABC's
P. Hill | pocatello, id United States | 08/26/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My Granddaughter has dearly loved all of the Signing Times and I highly recommend this program. We have the first six volumes. Volume 5 is her least favorite, because it goes so fast. It is a necessary volume. We started at volume one and have bought them in order. This one goes a little too quickly for her, so she always asks for the others first. I have been very happy with the Signing Time program. It teaches ASL to any age, especially to children of all ages. Some of the Signing programs teach a baby version. Signing Time does not "dumb down" to the children. I like seeing and hearing children of all ages, races, handicaps, etc. It is an excellent program."