Yum! Alex, Leah, their frog Hopkins, and host Rachel Coleman invite you to breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You will learn signs and songs for cooking, eating, setting the table, and more of your favorite foods. Created for a... more »ges 1-8, yet fun for all. Available only on DVD. Close-Captioned. Approximate run time: 30 minutes, plus special features. Time to Eat includes the following original songs, written by Rachel Coleman: Signing Time Theme The Garden Song Let it Cook Set the Table Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Silly Pizza Song II Special Features Sign Review Cooking Signs Manners Setting the Table - FAQ: Rachel s Color-Coded Fingers Behind the scenes "Set the Table" Baby Signing Time Preview "Here I Go". ASL Signs ASL signs taught in this DVD: Grow - Garden - Every Day - Cook - Kitchen - Make - Fork - Plate - Napkin - Knife - Spoon - Cup - Bowl - Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner - Dessert - May I be Excused? - Egg - Sandwich - Soup - Popcorn - Peas - Tomato - Salad - Spaghetti. And if you pay close attention, you ll also see and learn these additional signs: Backyard - Fit - Windowsill - Little - Food - Everybody - Loves - Important - Work - Place - Bake - Learn - Share - Glorious (great) - Book - Follow - Instructions - Too - Like - Ask - Help - Set - Table - All Done/Finished - Feel - Good - Able - -Morning - Noon - Night - Fruit - No - Yes - Ready - Come - Teach - Sign - Us - Sing - Time - Dance - Laugh - Play - Where - Friends - Meet - Find - Not - Different - All - Much - We - Day - Now - Excuse - Me - Polite - Cook - Bake - Excuse Me - Manners/Polite - Car.« less
"I love the entire Signing Time series as a teaching aid for hearing children.
This particular video is great for smaller kids (my daughter is a year old)- it's attention getting, has fun music, and the signing instruction is very clear.
What I like about this video: an introduction to food words, including many toddler "favorites" (cheese, spaghetti, bread, crackers, etc), and doesn't have much in the way of "junk food"-other than the sign for "candy".
There is also introduction to some basic kitchen words like "cook", and "cup", "plate", "fork", etc.
This is a great video if you have graduated beyond the basics of "milk", "cereal", "mommy" and "daddy".
The "Silly Pizza Song" is especially fun, and my daughter and I always have a good time trying to sign along with Rachel to it."
Entertaining and Educational
A. Greathouse | Bay Point, CA United States | 05/30/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As the mother of twins, one hearing and one deaf, I have had the opportunity to check out many programs for teaching ASL to small children. This is by far the best series out there. Most other products are so boring that parents must struggle to stay awake during the production, and there is no way a toddler would tolerate a viewing. My 2-year-old twins request Signing Time all of the time. At home they want the DVDs playing almost constantly. In the car my hearing daughter starts asking for the Signing Time CD before I even have her strapped into her carseat. My 2-year-old deaf daughter is using 5-sign sentences, which is almost unheard of for the deaf child of hearing parents. My extended family owns a total of 6 sets of Signing Time. Whenever my daughters' cousins have a birthday they ask for the latest Signing Time DVDs. Children of all ages love this product."
Hours of learning and fun
R. Nafziger | Sisters, OR | 02/17/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"We've been checking these out from the library for months and finally decided to purchase our daughter's favorites. Vol. 12 Time to Eat and Vol. 9 The Zoo Train. She knows well over 100 signs and is starting to put them together into short phrases. We started doing signs with her at 7 months and she is now 15 months. The songs on this DVD are memorable and not annoying to grownups. My husband and my favorites are Set the Table and Silly Pizza. You can learn many more signs than the ones featured by watching Rachel as she speaks or sings the lyrics, then apply them in conversation with your little one. You'd be surprised to see she already knows them!"
Wonderful as always!
CV8 | USA | 08/08/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"We absolutely LOVE these DVD's~ so entertaining and well done~ my little one's (4 and 2) sign vocabulary just keeps growing and growing! It's especially wonderful for my 2 year old who is a little behind in speaking...he now has a way to let us know what he needs without having to throw himself on the floor screaming because he can't communicate. Thanks Rachel! :o)"
Absolutely the Best sign language series available
Happy Days | USA | 05/15/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is the 12th volume of the Signing Time series and like the prior sign language volumes it is well done, repetetive enough to teach children easily but so engaging not to be boring. My 4 year old autistic son was essentially nonverbal when we started to purchase the series. He is developing language skills through watching this series when all other things have failed and he is correctly appling this language in normal settings. My 1st grader now brings sign language in for show-n-tell."