Sick & the Dead --- one for the mediocre zombie film archive
James G. Carlson | City Earth, Pennsylvania | 12/27/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Recently I purchased The Sick and The Dead on the strength of the reviews it was receiving from those who have also purchased the film through Amazon vendors. However, I failed to notice what was so special about this film. Truth be told, the storyline is nothing to write home about, the acting is bad, and the setting is average at best. Yes, I realize it is a low-budget horror flick. That doesn't escape me. Be that as it may, this film simply failed to deliver anything even remotely comparable to the zombie films I appreciate, like Automaton Transfusion, Land of the Dead, Planet Terror, Evil, Versus, Undead, Day of the Dead, Flight of the Living Dead, Diary of the Dead, Zombietown, Mad, Dead Alive, Onechebara: Bikini Samurai Squad, Necroville, Redneck Zombies, Poutrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead, Dance of the Dead: Ghosthouse Underground, etc. This one, in my opinion, can be inserted into the mediocre zombie film archive. To rate this film from one to ten skulls---one being the worst, and ten the best---I would have to give it two, maybe two and a half skulls."