In the good old-fashioned spirit of superheroism and pop culture franchise universes containing several bankable intellectual properties, it s Shorts Assemble! We took some time off from our valuable Odinsleeping to put to... more »gether this team of 10 world-savingly funny shorts. Leading the squad is Corky the Crow, lover of justice and roadkill. Then there s the hero cop who saves impossibly stupid kids from their impossibly stupid fates in classic 50s safety short Live and Learn. Along with the rest of the crew, they face their greatest, quite legitimately insane foe, The Toymaker! Their battle will finally answer, once and for all, What Makes Things Float? Okay, look, not all these titles are gonna make sense. Hurry and check out Shorts Assemble! before the studio reboots it with new actors you don t recognize! This DVD includes the following shorts: Corky the Crow Live and Learn Maintaining Classroom Discipline Nutrition Perc! Pop! Sprinkle! Safety With Animals Story-Telling: Can You Tell It In Order? The Clean Club The Toymaker What Makes Things Float?« less