In October 1913, a group of aristocratic men and women gather for a shooting party at an estate in the heart of the British countryside. Assured and opulent, they move through the elaborate rituals of an Edwardian England... more » country house-party. They dine,« less
Wonderful story. Excellent actors. And finally a first-rate
C. O. DeRiemer | San Antonio, Texas, USA | 03/16/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Shooting Party shows the decline of the British aristocracy (and why they became irrelevent) through the story device of a weekend of country shooting and the relationships among the manor head (James Mason), those he has invited, those who are retainers on his estate, and those protesting the shoot.
Mason is absolutely superb. He was a subtle actor who made some awful role choices in his career. This was one of his great roles. In the Shooting Party, he embodies the sadness of the loss of values he treasures as well as an understanding of why these values are being lost.
Update as of November 3, 2006: Please note that I have just looked through the BBC Video's new release of the film. It does the the movie justice. The picture is just a little soft, but the colors are rich and the transfer has clarity. The audio is excellent. The BBC's version is worthy of the film. If I could now change my rating to five stars, I would.
Jusr remember that the version from Jef Films, for all practical purposes, is unwatchable. It looks and sounds as if it had been made from a fifth generation home recorded video tape. Color is faded, the images are out of focus, the sound is variable."
Bad quality transfer
C. O. DeRiemer | 08/11/2003
(2 out of 5 stars)
"After a long wait, the quality of this DVD is dissapointing, and not worth it at any price. Without the deep fall colors and contrasts of the original, "The Shooting Party's" minor flaws, its sentimentality and heavy symbolism, take over. The print look like a fifty year old Kodachrome slide--washed out, flat contrast and no shadow detail. And the sound is almost as bad. That said, the secenes between James Mason as the estate owner, and John Guielgud as the animal rights activist, are priceless. But why should this print be worse than the one shown on television...?"
A beautiful film ruined
M. P. Vincent | Southampton, England | 04/30/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Having waited for ages to find a DVD of this, one of my favourite films, I was thrilled to find it available Across the Pond in R1. That thrill has now turned to despair, however ! This is a classic example of an otherwise beautiful movie ruined by a truly appalling transfer. The perpetrators of this monstrosity should be punished by being locked in a darkened cell for a year, fed only on a diet of bread, water, and a perpetual tape of Britney Spears (any album will do).
Save you money for the professional version."
A masterpiece
Paul R. Jones | Kentucky | 08/24/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I cannot say enough good about this film. It is brilliant on so many levels. James Mason and John Gielgud were never better and the rest of the cast were perfectly chosen and rose to the occasion. This is what Gosford Park wanted to be but just did'nt make it and I liked Gosford Park. I am so glad a good quality DVD is available at last. In my opinion a must for any film collection. Please watch this with the time to devote your full attention to it, you will be well rewarded"
This is being re-released Oct. 17th 2006....
Patricia Wadsworth | Indianapolis, Indiana United States | 07/12/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"by Warner BBC. They usually can be counted on for a decent transfer. This is an altogether wonderful 5 star film deserving of a DVD transfer better than this version. Here's hoping the new one this October will be it.
I've seen the cover art for the Oct 17, 2006 release and it says: "Stunning new digital transfer." Wait for this very excellent movie and purchase it then."