Angela who? Lansbury steals the show, but seller doesn't lis
OperaLover | Fort Lauderdale, FL | 08/05/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The great Angela Lansbury stars in this made for TV movie. It is distressing that the seller seems not to realize that her name is virtually the ONLY selling point to purchase this docudrama. Extremely topical in its day regarding the fatal shooting of Korean Airlines Flight 007 over Russian airspace, Ms. Lansbury is the chief artistic reason to buy this DVD. Since the airing of this made-for-TV movie, much more information has come to light about what really occurred to that fateful flight. One must look at this as an interesting drama, correct in its day, but as a historical piece in time. Artistically, this is efficient but none too special in every other way. Ms. Lansbury, as usual, raises the whole enterprise into something worthwhile and even compelling. Kudos to Lansbury.
[Respectfully, who is Diana Bellamy? Not a house hold name in my home.]"