Try Shiva's other DVD instead, Yoga Shakti
YogaKat | Oregon United States | 06/22/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"i believe this DVD is just a subset of Shiva's Yoga Shakti DVD!You're better of buying the full Yoga Shakti DVD for another 6-bucks which includes this practice and more. I absolutely LOVE the Yoga Shakti DVD and would highly recommend that instead!
Please see my other DVD reviews on Amazon, including Yoga Shakti ;o)
Remix should be sold as such.
Rebecca Anderson | 01/15/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Solar Flow is a fine dvd, but should not be marketed as something separate from Yoga Shakti. There are no new sequences, just remixes of the Shakti sequences. Since you can rearrange all the Shakti sequences on your own, Solar Flow is superfluous. I don't feel a lot of shanti being swindled into purchasing the same thing twice. A little disclosure please!