About time, but not complete yet
Eric Pregosin | New Carrollton, Maryland United States | 09/04/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Well well, it looks like those bozos at Alpha Video after a 2 year hiatus are finally releasing 2 more discs of the 1954 Sherlock Holmes series with Howard and Crawford. However this will make 36 of the 39 episodes in the series available on their label. My advice, IGNORE THIS OFFER. The Mill Creek Set of 5 discs with the entire series is now easily available including here at Amazon. Someone in their higher ups must have read my comment on it because they are now selling it for half what I paid for it. Alright I'll be more blunt, ALL 39 EPISODES FOR UNDER 10 BUCKEROOS. Get THAT set not this one. Knowing Alpha it will take another 2 years to put out Volume 10 and cross the finish line (they had the nerve to email me back then BE PATIENT, yeah right). While we're on the subject, "Alphie" how about the 2 Arthur Wontner Movies you haven't released yet huh?"