Sharpe commands a band of war-hardened riflemen behind enemy lines. Determined to capture the french mascot a carved eagle which is carried into combat sharpe brings to the screen the continued action danger and romance th... more »at surround the british officer & his chosen men. Dvd features not listed. Studio: Bfs Ent & Multimedia Limi Release Date: 07/25/2000 Starring: Sean Bean Run time: 100 minutes Rating: Nr« less
A must for fans of Sean Bean, war and structured rules of engagement.
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Movie Reviews
Sharpe's Eagle-- best of the bunch.
Masher | Atlanta, GA | 10/20/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I find it amazing that, of the four Sharpe episodes now on DVD, that this one, "Sharpe's Eagle" has the lowest sales ranking. I've seen all four, and this is clearly the best of the bunch. It is the second of the 14-part series (parts 5-14 are planned for near-future release)This is the last episode containing the original actors for Wellington and Hogan-- they were both replaced with inferior versions in "Sharpe's Company". But this one has it all-- the best script, the best acting, the best plot. Don't miss it.I've seen several baffling complaints about the video quality of these discs. All of my episodes I would rate good to very good here, and certainly well above VHS clarity. Certainly better video mastering has been done...but I have seen far, far worse. Perhaps they show poorly on a low-end DVD player, but my Sony 7700 (as well as my computer DVD drive) play them outstandingly."
Almost Flawless
Megan Stoner | USA | 03/22/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The second in the venerable British ITV Sharpe series, and one of the best. Sean Bean is Richard Sharpe, a dashing, swashbuckling hero in the Napoleonic Wars. Or, as the UK television station UK Gold calls him, the "Nineteenth-Century James Bond". This one finds our hero under the command of - let's face it - a jerk of a commander, the cowardly Sir Henry Simmerson. Events transpire that convince Sharpe he must capture an Imperial Eagle, the standard of Napoleon's army, and touched by "Boney" himself. Of course, there's no shortage of lovely ladies, either, with Theresa (played by Assumpta Serna) and Josefina (Katia Caballero), a lady in a compromised position whom Sharpe gallantly rescues.The cast are quite enjoyable in this one, with Brian Cox as the conniving but genuninely nice Major Hogan, Daragh O'Malley as the loyal but fiery Sgt. Patrick Harper, and Michael Cochrane in a brilliant turn as the really, really, really *nasty* Henry Simmerson. And, of course, Sean Bean as Richard Sharpe - the quintessence of the swashbuckling but tender hero. Splendid stuff.Mel Gibson may have to ask What Women Want, but Sean Bean apparently knows...Richard Sharpe!"
My Favorite TV Series
Donegal Dan | Southwest United States | 02/17/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I own the entire Sharpe series on VHS but this is the only episode I have on DVD, and it is one of the best. (Incidentally, I don't understand all the complaining about the quality of the DVD and the lack of grandiose battle scenes--I have no complaints with either the quality of the DVD or the fact that the battles are on a relatively small scale. As to the last, this was a TV series, after all, and the point, as I see it , is the study of the central character, Sharpe.)This is a beautifully done series, with Sean Bean absolutely sterling as Richard Sharpe. I have thought for some time that Sean Bean is underutilized in most of his films and wish that he had more opportunities like Sharpe, whose character as a low-born man who found the army the only place he could go and who proved himself a better man and soldier than most of his high-born peers, is a role any actor would relish. In this particular episode all the elements that make the whole series good come together particularly well as Sharpe has to defend himself from lesser officers out to get him while asttempting to right a number of wrongs, including ill treatment of women and sacrifice of a heroic officer by the cretin who leads the South Essex. He captures the essence of the character perfectly--a "man among men", a rough soldier with a strong sense of honor, a willingness to "stand and fight" and, as Major Hogan tells him, a romantic soul. What could be more captivating? Not much, judging by Sharpe's almost unconscious success with the ladies. The entire cast is excellent, pasrticularly Darrah O'Malley as Sgt. Harper, Sharpe's tough and loyal subordinate, and Brian Cox as the aforementioned Maj. Hogan. I regret that Cox didn't remain with the series because he added a wonderful element of cynical humor, but the series still has a strong humorous element throughout and that is one of its many virtues. In sum, whether it is the depiction of the behind-the-scenes conniving or the blood and gore of the battles or the easy comraderie of the up-from-the-gutter riflemen led by Sharpe (the "Chosen Men"), you will find it hard to tear youself away from this terrific series."
Donegal Dan | 06/14/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Sean Bean plays Richard Sharpe - a poor common soldier raised from the ranks for saving Wellington's life. In this movie he risks all for honor and to secure a promotion. If you enjoy old fashioned adventure then you will love Sharpe's Eagle."
Sharpe's eagle is the best
Donegal Dan | 06/14/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I viewed the whole Sharpe's series, checked out from the local library, and this one was the best, it has little bits of all the best characters, the repartee between Sharpe and Hogan is terrific, as well as the bit where Sharpe has to whip a green regiment into shape, and of course the tender moments between Sharpe and Commandante Teresa. If I could only have one of the videos, this would be the one I would get."