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This was really went off the handle and the current movie rating went into much more riske rating.
Movie Reviews
Do Sharks Dream?
Jeffrey Leach | Omaha, NE USA | 07/07/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I am in my early thirties, which, by almost anyone's definition still classifies me as relatively young. I am old enough, however, that I have watched more than my fair share of grade Z ubercheesy movies. During my late night television excursions in the 1980s, I vividly remember watching the sort of films that could cause serious brain damage to even the most stalwart soul, films loaded with monosyllabic actors, scripts written on clay tablets, and special effects that were neither special nor effective. I thought I saw it all during those halcyon days of youth, until I discovered the wonders of "Shark Attack 3: Megalodon." You have not lived until you witness the spectacular beauty, the overwhelming sense of metaphysical ecstasy, the sheer jaw dropping brilliance of "Shark Attack 3." In fact, don't even finish reading this review. You are wasting valuable time better spent tracking down a copy of this inspiring objet d'art. Believe me when I tell you that this film will not stay on store shelves for long. I felt from the beginning that I was in the presence of greatness with this movie, and every minute that went by only confirmed this initial impression.The story of "Shark Attack 3: Megalodon" is deceptively simple, but even a doctor of philosophy probably could not discern the higher planes of thought contained in this movie. A resort in Mexico faces danger from the reemergence of the prehistoric Megalodon shark, who swims up from the Challenger Trench to attack an underground cable set up by the evil Apex Corporation. The only hope for humanity rests with the actions of Ben, an employee of the resort, and Cat, a paleontologist who arrives in Mexico to hunt down the shark. The film is necessarily gory, as the shark attacks anyone in the water and even attacks boats with seeming indifference. Just when we think the shark's defeat is imminent, a surprise visitor shows up to wreak further havoc on the human race. See, it sounds simple, doesn't it? I will admit my credentials leave me woefully inadequate to properly analyze "Shark Attack 3," but I firmly believe the answer lies in the Challenger Trench where the Megalodon lives. The trench is obviously a metaphor for a Nietzschean abyss, and when man stares deeply into the crevasse the abyss stares back by disgorging the prehistoric shark. Ben represents the superman, as you will see when this seemingly mild mannered individual rises over all other humans on the planet to combat the ancient evil of the Megalodon. Ben accomplishes feats no other person could hope to achieve. The boats he sails on move even when they look like they are standing still, and a ship with the hull in tatters from an assault by the shark fails to sink when Ben appears on the scene. Only a superman will lead the human race, and Ben is that superman. If you think Crispin Glover is the end all be all of the performing arts, you will appreciate the genius of John Barrowman, the actor who plays the Ben role. Both actors share the sublime visions that make a film like "Shark Attack 3" possible even though Glover unfortunately never appears in the movie. I quickly realized you don't need to worry about watching the two previous films that constitute the rest of this series. Oh no, "Shark Attack 3: Megalodon" stands alone, proudly eschewing such banalities as an engaging script, decent special effects, talented actors, and lush cinematography. The director, crew, and cast of "Shark Attack 3" roared their derision at the mere idea of such conventional cinematic structures. These brave pioneers, these trailblazers of the celluloid frontier used stock footage of divers and sharks for half of the total running time of the film. Sure, the actors laughed for no reason during many of the scenes, but you would not contain your glee either if you starred in this straight to video magnum opus. I also noticed how many times the male actors gave each other high fives during the course of the story, which makes perfect sense when you realize that these Shakespearean thespians are merely expressing the elation they feel about such career making roles. This cast is going places, folks. After delivering groundbreaking performances in this movie, they will take the world of industrial training films by storm. Special mention goes to the two gentlemen driving the boat with the parasailer in tow. The performance these two budding Brandos turn in evokes hints of a higher evolutionary form of mankind, a state the rest of us may reach in 10,000 years or so. It should go without saying that I have neither the ability nor the space to convey the full implications of the old tar that accompanies Ben on his quest to defeat the abyss-creature. Just watch for the line, "I have a spare. It's the Navy way," and you'll understand my dilemma.I suspect plans are underway to recruit additional Slavic actors in order to create a "Shark Attack 4," and I seriously believe that another film in this series will sweep away the old epistemologies and usher in a superior consciousness amongst the human race. In the meantime, we all have our hands full just trying to decipher the intricacies of "Shark Attack 3." I give this wonderfully vibrant cinematic venture one star, but not for obvious reasons. The one star is actually a judgment about me, a viewer who failed to grasp the inner configurations of this fascinating philosophical jaunt."
For All You Campy Movie Lovers
sweetmolly | RICHMOND, VA USA | 06/17/2003
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Imagine "Jaws." Now take away 99/100 of the budget, all the actors, substitute the mechanized shark with footage, the script and dialogue are by a guy whose only other credit is a published letter to "Dear Abby" and voilà! You have "Shark Attack 3-Megalodon"A giant shark that makes the Big White look like a minnow threatens a Mexican resort. The evil resort owner does not want to hurt business. Brave security policeman, nubile idealistic girl and old salt want to warn the tourists and get the shark. Does this sound familiar? A few more keywords: shark attacks boat, shark blows up, someone supposed to have been eaten by the shark shows up alive and well. All rejoice.I couldn't decide whether to give this one star because it is so bad or five stars because it is so perfectly bad. I compromised with two. I won't fault the actors because with dialogue this awful, Sir John Gielgud couldn't have made it sound good. Director David Worth can't be all bad, he directed the highly successful "Naked Gun." Maybe the budget and a probable 5-day shooting schedule did him in. So who's to blame? Let's not blame anyone and instead, cherish it for its purity of bad. It's kinda fun to recite the actors' lines before they say them,
-sweetmolly-Amazon Reviewer"
Where to Begin???
Dyraks12 | 01/21/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"***Spoilers! But the movie is so predictable it doesn't matter***
I can't even begin to think where I should start ripping this Horror(able) movie apart. But let me try.
The Story: Not much of one but let me try. Ben is an overly happy chap who seems to be way-too-chummy with everyone on his beach resort... Until the Meg shows up. This computer animated shark that growls reeks havoc in Mexico and destroys an evil businessman's plans of a fibor-obtic communications cable. The shark is drawn out of the water by electrodes coming from the cable. It then goes on a killing spree and has to be stopped by the above mentioned jovial fellow, an attractive paleontologist, and another cheerful individual who happens to have an onslaught of atomic weapons (as all ex-naval officers do.) They devise a plan to kill the Meg and save the world from a possible prehistoric Armageddon. I'm serious, this is no joke.
The Bad: So it begins- I can honestly tell you there is at least one thing to laugh at in EVERY scene. I'll give a brief listing of them.
-The server who gives the happy Ben coffee in the morning (which Ben seems ready to burst with laughter over this colossal feat) is a different server when the camera changes angles.
-Three and a half words: "Here comes El Guapo"
-The security guard at the overly hot Cat's museum CAN'T SPEAK. He is a stuttery mm-mmm-mess
-When Esai starts the boat, they flip back to the jubilant Ben and if you look at the water, the boat isn't moving.
-The ENTIRE swordfish scene. Listen to the franco in the background attempting to speak. Then the whole "thirty years" comment. What in the sam hell is that?
-The randomness of the two punk rockers going down a water slide. Who are they? Why are they there? Why is the water in the slide turned on at 2:00 AM? Who is the mysterious shark queen they show at the end of the scene? Does she summon the sharks? Is she in charge of the entire Meg population? Will she start a chain of events that will lead to the end of the world?
-The line. You know which one. Right before the love scene. "You know I'm really tired, well actually I'm wired, how bout I take you home and" -I will NOT ruin this for you. Watch this with friends you'll get a kick. I'd try this line at the bars, but I think I'd get my @$$ kicked.
-The code monkeys
-The growls from the shark
-The @$$ man conversation
-The screen on the tracking device is a piece of paper that is glued on.
-The Jet Ski scene
-The way the one dude falls out of the boat during the parasailing scene.
-The fact that the always pleasant Ben and crew find it more necessary to help some drunk with a boo-boo on his head that a lady who is about to get mauled by a megalodon (that growls.)
-The angle on the camera that was put on the meg is on the wrong fin when they show it.
-The intolerable chumminess and amount of high fives.
The Good: Ha, that's a laugh, Except for the hot girls throughout the entire flick.
For those of you have seen this trash before go back and watch for these flaws.
And for those of you who say this is the worst/funniest movie ever, shame on you!!! You've obviously never seen Satan's Children starring Bobby Douglas. Check it out.
frankenberry | Los Angeles, CA USA | 10/02/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"OK, I have vague recollections of seeing the awful SHARK ATTACK 1 on cable a couple of years back and have never even seen SHARK ATTACK 2, but nothing could prepare me for the sheer unadulterated awfulness of SHARK ATTACK 3 - MEGALODON!!! This is primo bad movie material here, folks, harkening back to the grand ole' exploitation shark flicks of the 70's and 80's. Move over GREAT WHITE, move over TINTORERA, move over MAKO JAWS OF DEATH! There's a new kid on the block!
MEGOLODON is not the usual dull-as-dirt DTV crap that fills up Blockbuster's shelves every month. This one is unbelievably awful, over-the-top, and absolutely absurd from start to finish. A giant prehistoric shark is terrorizing a Mexican resort and chomping down on every living human it can get its jaws around. You know you're in for a good time when the smartest character in the whole film is a dog that refuses to go into the ocean and lets the shark eat its master instead! Hilarious dialog, awful acting (with bad dubbing), stock footage that stands out like a sore-thumb, graphic gory violence, and even some nudity to keep things a bit sleazy - it's all here and done with so much gusto that you can't help but have a good time even though you know all along how truly terrible it is. I'm telling you, you have not lived until you've witnessed the shots of a giant shark head spouting from the water and swallowing boats whole. And when's the last time you heard a lead character tell his new girlfriend something like "You know, I'm really wired...what do you say I take you home and eat your ******." OMG!!! Unbelievable madness!!! Joy joy joy!
If you wanna see one of the all-time worst and re-live that old feeling of watching some bad euro-import from the late 70's, this one delivers the dumbness in big doses. It may have been made in 2002, but it looks and feels like a terrible drive-in flick from two decades ago. Good movie fans, proceed with caution. Every one else, check this thing out! Manohman!
Success! Megalodon gets it right!
iamlandru | Home of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame | 02/14/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This quite simply may be the best "bad" movie of the last 10 years. No debate here between 1 star because it's so poorly done and 5 stars because it's so deliciously bad; it's a 5 star movie, no question. Continuity, quality props, editing, horrible dialogue and scale mean nothing in this movie. No mention of the plot in this review, it's secondary. When you can literally laugh out loud at events because they are so poorly done with total disregard for the viewer, this B-movie is a must see and worth 94 minutes of your life.
The funniest scenes for me are when boats are supposed to be speeding along the shore and then in close ups of the actors, the background is not moving, no wind, no boat vibration, absolutely stationary. And not just once, this methodology is used for every boat scene irregardless of the boat, time of day or actors involved. You can't miss it. And they keep jamming the main boat into full throttle without ever shifting it into a lower speed position. Look we're in low, jam it into high. Look we're in low again some how, jam it into high. Look we're in low yet again, jam it into high. Over and over again. Quality entertainment, guaranteed.
When the Megalodon first appears and eats a boat whole, it's hysterical. Gulp, it's over. You're thinking "What the heck just happened?" Then two guys in the water: gulp, it's over. A raft full of a dozen people: gulp, it's over. A guy jumps off a boat and swan dives into the Megalodon's wide open mouth; gulp, it's over. A jet ski traveling at high speed: gulp, it's over. All of varying sizes and all barely fitting into the giant sharks mouth. The reuse of stock shark footage over and over again is quite entertaining.
In the final act, the Megalodon is attacking a large yacht and it's panicked passenger are doing what?.... they are jumping INTO the water! What? Why? The boat isn't sinking and there's 75 feet of body chomping carnage IN THE WATER anyway. Talk about people deserving to die.
Despite enormous plot holes, haphazard editing, meaningless scenes, unbelievable characters ("What did he just say?") and bad acting, this movie just plows on and like the Megalodon, nothing can stop it. Combined with a gratuitous sex scene and well placed nudity throughout, it's a must see. If you're a B-movie, schlock, sci fi horror junkie, it's a 5 star movie. Don't miss it."