Can Prisons be THIS exciting ?
guestar57 | Porterville,Ca.USA | 12/09/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is the second film ( Dead Men Walking) set in a prison by TheAsylum.
The mythos behind plot is very good, Russian mafia has this demon do there dirty work and the rainbow array of inmates have to defend their bars & mortar.
Jennifer Lee(see interview) Wiggins stars as a prison guard who has a inmate ,who maybe a DEMON.
The monster suit is awesome and frightening, and a different look that almost smacks of a Toy Franchise, Hey if Full Moon and Todd McFarlane can make action figures for any character..Why not The Beast from Bray Road Wolfette,Shapeshifter with medallion accessory,or the Rhett Giles everyman hero with removable appendages."
Crappy beginning, gets better towards the middle
Bud Bundy | MN USA | 10/08/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This thing starts out with an MTV-style rap video, with a creature killing a guy while blood gushes all over the prostitute he was with. The whole thing is done as a montage, which really gets the movie off to a stinky start. This "shapeshifter" guy can turn into a typical B-movie creature, and he's put in jail by some unsuspecting police officers. We get some backstory on the prison guards, one of them used to be in the military and got a less than honorable discharge (with that much backstory, you just know she's going to live until the end). We meet the rest of the inmates, stereotypical cliches doing their trash-talking thing. Yawn. For some reason, I didn't turn it off at this point, and I'm rather glad I didn't.
Once the shapeshifter guy does his thing, the blood starts flowing and the inmates and the remaining guard manage to get into the abandoned upper floors of the jail, where the monster stalks them for the rest of the film. The most impressive thing about this movie is the female lead, she does a pretty good job as the action hero, and looks really good doing it. The rest of the characters provide some additional story, as the creature is actually after one of them, and he wants to cover this fact up as best he can. Other than that they're mostly just there to serve as dinner. There's tons of gore, the monster has a real taste for intestines and we're treated to scene after scene of him eating them.
Overall, a fairly average low budget creature feature. Pretty good location inside the run down jail, good female lead. I give it a full point off for the first half hour of the movie, which was pretty bad."