Loved it!
DJ | USA | 10/08/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I don't much like the s-l-o-w-n-e-s-s of yoga, but I do like the stretching and relaxation benefits. This workout fits the bill - a little breathing practice at the beginning, which I am sometimes tempted to skip, but it does actually help me to focus :-P I love the flow-through poses, and while they are not held for an excessively long time (which I would hate), they aren't rushed through, either, like some of the Power Yoga I've tried. The instructor is encouraging without making me feel like a totally uncoordinated clod. I found the set and music to be quite relaxing. I also enjoyed the short ab-work at the end, although single-leg and double-leg stretches is Pilates, not yoga. The 30-minute length is just perfect!"
Power yoga speed yoga & pilates in 25 min
Lena, LMT | Nassau, NY | 05/07/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This workout is set indoors on a nice set w/professional production. Teri seems nice, though not calm. She uses mostly voice overs for instruction. She does cue YOUR left & right though she barely says the Englishname for the yoga poses or if does, it's breezed through. She does give good, limited instruction due to the barely one breath per pose speed.
Breathing - 2 min
Yoga - 18 min
stretching segment, half sun salutations segment, dancing warrior segment, dancer's pose for balance.
Pilates - 4 min
One final yoga spinal twist
Bonus 6 min
all poses use straps (don't have to) for slower shoulder/arm stretching, reclined single leg stretching & reclined butterfly at a better pace. She talks here as she does it, not a voice over, her voice is more an aerobics instructor stiff rather then yoga.
Teri does each pose for barely a full breath but repeats often which I do not like. She did not seem calm, though she seemed sincere & earnest. This is not for those looking for mind/body or even stretching, but more a cardio workout.
Previews on aol com, collagevideo com, youtube com & more on a search on google."
Athletic 30-minute yoga practice
Amanda Kennedy | Texas | 11/02/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I did this DVD for the first time this morning, and I loved it. The yoga practice presented is athletic and challenging without being too difficult for someone who is just getting back into an exercise routine after a long break (like I am!). The practice begins with a short breathing exercise and then moves into a series of vinyasas (poses linked together by transitional poses), including sun salutations. Each vinyasa is done once on each side, so there is little repition, which I appreciated. I broke a sweat and my heart rate increased during this section. Around the 20-minute mark, the vinyasas end, and you are led through a balance pose before going to the floor for a deep hip stretch (pigeon pose) and some abdominal exercises. The ab exercises are borrowed from Pilates and fit into the routine very well. The practice is concluded with a short shavasana (corpse post) and a short breathing exercise, similar to the one done at the beginning of the practice.
The music throughout the practice is relaxing but not intrusive, and the set is clean and calming. Teri Hanson's cues are mostly done as a voice over and are descriptive enough so that you can do the poses without having to constantly look at the TV screen. At the end of the practice I felt stretched, relaxed, and ready to face the day."
Not their absolute best - but still a reasonable workout :-l
Little Miss Cutey | Melbourne, Australia | 03/24/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This yoga-based workout is a faster style than all other yoga workouts I've seen before. That in itself makes this a bit of a challenge. It's a bit more energetic too. There is a lot of yoga compacted into a short space of time. It's almost done too quickly. There are standing moves that are geared towards increasing strength and balance and then the floor moves are for building flexibility and for relaxation. There is an ab toning workout at the end of the dvd. The instructor Teri Hanson is a good cuer which is why I like this because you don't need to be constantly looking at the tv (you can visualise what's to come next because of her good instruction) and that makes this easy to follow. All up, it's about 40 minutes long, but I personally like a slower workout that is more relaxing, and makes you stay in positions longer to get better stretching. I'll still do this every now and then, but it's not my first yoga workout of choice."