Jesse S. Cone | 04/20/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I purchased this video at Best Buy, because I thought the title was cute. Now, 2 months later, I have lost 15 pounds and gone down to a size 2 due to doing this video a few times a week. I have been looking for something quick and easy like this for years to get me in shape FAST. Before, them I was 5'6" and 140 lb., so all I really wanted was to tone up. In doing these videos, however, I got way more than I expected! I have all my friends hooked!
The cardio workout has some serious calorie burning benefits- you can feel it working as you go. However, it's the scuplting workout that is worth its weight in gold- got rid of every single ounce of jiggle on my body! I seriously call this my secret weapon!
Adv. Beg. to Int. Not for someone wanting to get in shape for a marathon, just someone who wants to look sporty and sleek. Kinda tough at first, but hang with it cuz its worth it!"
Three time-efficient workouts
dnk | Boston, MA United States | 07/01/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD, the partner of the Shape Redefining Workout, offers three different workouts: a cardio interval workout, a fast-paced sculpting workout, and a workout offering cardio kickboxing, sculpting and "skills and drills", which combines cardio and sculpting. These all come in at about thirty minutes and are very effective.
The Cardio Interval is dependent on high impact moves, but one of the instructors shows some low-impact modifications. They use the idea of running up and down hills to build and lower intensity for an interval workout. Jogging, lunges, squats and boot camp movements are used throughout. This is intense but not boring- they manage to pack a lot of variety into thirty minutes.
Sculpt Plus is a fast-paced weights workout. Good job with the pacing- it's fast enough that you get your heart-rate up, but slow enough that you can add heavier weights. I used my twelves and eights. Next time I'll use my fives for the sets that emphasize shoulder work, but I'll also heavy up to my fifteens for the row/lunge combination. And please, please, before you toss any weight workout that emphasizes weights, try adjusting the poundage first. It can make all the difference.
The Potpourri segment has a little bit of everything, but it's done in such a way that it doesn't feel thrown together. And here again, the cardio segments use leg exercises with a twist to build cardio intensity, and the sculpting segments are fast-paced enough to keep that intensity up. The cardio/sculpt segment, though, is my favorite. The instructors suggest using a small weight (up to five pounds) but I was able to use eight and got a great workout. This section uses rotation and a lot of one-legged movements. It's challenging, but fun.
One caveat: even though they offer great cardio and sculpting workouts, they do skimp on the stretches. The Sculpt segment gives the best stretch, but it could be a few minutes longer. I would have liked to have seen an optional five minute stretch option added on, but it's easy enough to add on elsewhere.
Recommended for the time-crunched."
Sure to burn calories and tick off your neighbors.
bluecanary | San Francisco, CA | 04/05/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I've been exercising almost every day for about a year. Usually I do the Crunch Pilates and Bootcamp DVDs, coupled with Jari Love's Ripped series, so I'm a fairly experienced exerciser.
I wanted to find a cardio routine that was fast, effective, but didn't use weights, to use on my days that I don't do weight training (since unfortunately, you aren't supposed to do it every day). All the reviews of different cardio dvds I saw had at least two or three people saying the dvd wasn't hard enough.
When I saw the reviews on this DVD, I knew I had to try it out.
THIS DVD IS EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE. In half an hour, I burned 218 calories. That's more calories per 15 minute increment than any of my other dvds. AND, that's with me only being able to keep up about 2/3 of the time (physically I was able to, but coordination-wise, it was a no-go through some of this).
The moves are fast and confusing. It will definitely take me a while to get this routine down. Lots of jumping around, flailing your arms around, jumping up and down, etc. If you're in an upstairs apartment and are a morning exerciser (like me), this dvd is sure to irritate your neighbors. I recommend toe sox and foregoing shoes, just to keep a modicum of harmony in your building.
I find a lot of the moves are similar to my Crunch Pilates and Crunch Bootcamp dvds, mainly the "knee repeater" (although they don't call it that on this dvd), and some of the arm work, and definitely the stretches at the end.
This dvd isn't as hard on my knees as other dvds I've done, either.
I got this dvd for the the first program, the hardcore cardio one, because I wanted a super intense, fast workout. This first program provides it. I was definitely sweating and my heart rate was the highest I've ever seen it. I haven't tried the other two programs yet. I'm not sure how the long green strap I received works on the second program, but when I do that one and figure it out, I'll edit my review.
I take away one star because there's no counter displayed on my dvd, just "play." I'm obsessed with time and I need that counter display."
Pleasantly surprised
Fish | Houston, TX | 04/08/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is the first exercise video I've ever tried in my life. I was going to wait until I'd been doing it for a month before I wrote a review, but I've seen results in just two weeks so I figured I'd write one now. There are a lot of good things about this video, and a few not-so-good things that I've found as well.
First, the good. The video consists of three half-hour routines (cardio, sculpting/toning, and skills and drills) that you can rotate, so you won't get bored easily. The instructors aren't annoying, and they show you modifications throughout the video so you don't strain yourself if you're not in top shape. The routines are challenging enough to where, even after a full two weeks, I still have trouble getting all the way through each workout. This is good--it gives me something to work up to.
The marketing of the video is great, too. Instead of just another "burn fat fast" video, they slapped the word "bikini" on it so you're constantly reminded of what your ultimate goal is. In addition, the instructors throw in motivational phrases every now and then. They'll say things like, "This exercise will give you that great bikini butt you're looking for!" and "This will tone your shoulders for those tank tops at the beach." I found it very motivational, without going overboard and becoming annoying.
I also really liked the fact that they included the free resistance band with the DVD. It's such a small detail but I appreciated the fact that they made it so easy to do their workouts. (By the way, you'll also need a set of light, 3-5 pound weights for this video).
And now for the few not-so-good things. One thing that initially annoyed me was the way the routines go so fast that I would sometimes get lost. I'm a pretty clumsy person. Add to that the fact that I've never done one of these videos before, and it was a little frustrating. However, after doing the video a few times I found that it became much easier, so it's not really that big a deal. If a klutz like me can learn the moves, it shouldn't be a problem for anyone.
The other thing I didn't like is that they suggest doing the video five days in a row and then taking two days' rest. For someone like me, with knee and shin problems, doing this five days in a row was a bit painful. I end up doing three days in a row and then doing a low-impact pilates video on the fourth day so I don't kill my shins.
But I guess the best judge of a video should be what kind of results it gets. Like I said, I've only been doing this for a couple of weeks but I'm already seeing results that I like. My work pants are now too big, my love handles are shrinking, my buns are tighter, and my confidence has gone up in leaps and bounds. I'd highly recommend this DVD to anyone looking for a start in the intimidating world of exercise videos. It's my first one and I definitely plan on purchasing some more--assuming I ever get bored with this one, that is."