3 kung fu videos and 5 extra classes on one DVD!
Hardcore Zen | San Francisco | 07/29/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Great! There's so much to learn from this DVD. The bonus material alone makes it worth the price. There are 4 classes with Dr. Yang included. In the first one he teaches the history of Shaolin Kung Fu, and explains how the greatest martial artists of the day were brought together in the early 1900's to preserve the arts of Shaolin Kung Fu after the temple was burned. Then there are classes where he explains the history and concept of each of these three basic sequences. There's also an extra YMAA stretching class before the first sequence.
The sequences themselves are amazing. Dr. Yang's teachers were very traditional, and the sequences are as close to their original form as you'll ever find. In fact, there's some archival footage of one of Dr. Yang's teachers practicing in Taiwan from the 60's. Nowadays, these sequences are often performed in a more dramatic, but less practical way, with no actual fighting capability. Usually, the martial applications are not understood or taught, but here there are over 70 primary and hidden fighting applications demonstrated.
I have read that when Dr. Yang took his YMAA team over to China to perform these sequences, they won the Gold, and the judges were shocked to see this old, authentic kung fu performed, instead of the usual flowery, modern Wushu that is so popular.
This will give anyone a solid foundation in Shaolin Kung Fu, and will help anyone that trains any style to understand the origin of their art."
A valuable Long Fist reference
B. Organ | Raleigh, NC | 01/08/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Long Fist is a northern chinese kung fu style, and Dr. Yang's presentation sets the standard. The Long Fist forms presented (Gung Li Chuan, Tan Tui, etc.) comprise a famous set of core forms from the Nanking Central Guoshu Institute from the 1920s (and represent a real authentic martial art designed by a committee :0 ). In general, Long Fist styles form the backbone of many systems of gongfu in China, and so it really deserves to be studied.
Included with each of the forms is basic training (drills that break down particular hard spots in the form into simple easy to understand movements) and applications. The large number of practical applications (including many Chin Na techniques) presented is simply amazing.
This is mainly a reference material, as Books and DVDs do not make good primary instructional material for martial arts, so plan on attending a seminar or finding a good local school to get the most from this DVD."
Clear, to the point , excellent training
Dan The Conqueror | usa | 07/20/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I started researching kung fu not because of the action movies but because of it's spiritual origins, since it was a Budhist monk who first taught the martial arts to the Shaoling monks who then compiled other forms and styles into a structured system. I was reading a lot about Krishnamurty (The Awakening of intelligence) and The Upanishads which are ancient Indian teachings that preceed Budhism, and I found it interesting how all these ideas have so much in common between themselves and with modern physics (quantum mechanics), and share a basic concept that we are part of the material world (atoms, quarks, strings) and in turn, the universe (a theory of everything see The Elegant Universe by Brian Green). This were we get the often joked about phrase
"being one with the universe", and all it means is that through meditation or clearing one's mind from the mundane constant thoughts one can achieve a higher state of consciousness were a new awareness of us, and the world develops. This training video is excellent because Dr.Yang first explains the history and origins of kung fu, and then shows the sequences of movements at regular speed, slow speed, and also the actual combat aplications of each one. You get the complete package and, unlike attending a kung fu class where you have to strain to near exhaustion due to overly hard, warming excercices before getting to learning the actual movements, with this training dvd you can go at your own pace, alone or with a partner, and just go back as many time you need to see the movement again. I'm out of shape due years of office work, and when I tried joining a kung fu school, I just new it wasn't for me at least not until I could get into better shape, because I had no energy left after the usual warm up drill. Now I'm learning the movements using this dvd, and at my own pace, while I hit the track in the afternoon. There's no better kung fu training dvd out there, I should know, I've scoured the internet, and local martial arts stores everywhere. I will getting the white crane kung fu traing dvd also from Dr. Yang which enfasizes more hand movements with the Shaoling southern style."
Good DVD filled with good info but lacking for the novice
G. Geter | IL | 09/25/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The DVD is wonderful with a few exceptions. During the learning sections of the routines, there is not enough detail on proper form when doing movements. Especially the first 2 routines. I'm fortunate enough to have a DVD player that allows me to play everything in 2-3 different speeds of slow motion so i can attempt to see detail stuff, but that takes working the remote as much as the form if not more.
The forms are broken down into sections which is very good, however for individuals to truly learn them properly it's important that their posture, hands, fist, stances, movements (circular or angular)be addressed with some level of detail. There's nothing explained about what you're doing, i.e when using mantis hand, single whip,etc... I only make this comment because the DVD is marketed to actually teach or train you in developing the forms/routines.
Gong Li was one of 2 forms that I learned over 15-20 years ago and forgot because I stop practicing after about 9 months. With a rekindled interest to get back into the MA I purchased the DVD because it mentioned Gong LI specifically as a routine and was elated to know I could learn the form again. I deemed learning the routine again a kind of a re-entry point if you will to getting back involved. Well the student performing the routine obviously knows it but the preciseness of form structure appears to be lacking, he looks kind of out of control going through some of the motions. This is defintely a form that needs attention to detail when being taught, which is also lacking during the section breakdown of the routine.
While I'm glad I purchased the DVD, and I will make use of it, even slowing the remote to glean what I can for the Gong Li routine, individulas should know that learning the routines themselves will be a bit difficult unless you are already somewhat fimiliar with them or have a DVD with nice (slowmotion)features.
The 3rd routine seems to be given a bit different treatment where you can watch several students involved with the forms and the various sections, this is definitely more helpful visually when learning, although not a substitute for detail oriented training.
The DVD has some very insightful, useful application points about various moves within the forms which is good , also training excercises which are good also. Overall the DVD gets 3 stars when compared to other VCD's I've recently ordered which give more attention to detail like the Six Harmony Mantis Series and others. One last thing and this is incase the DVD creator is reading. Replace the drums with conversation about the routines when it's being performed. I for one who purchased it would find this more benficial when trying to become immersed in learning it. Especially since it's one of the few I have where engish is being spoken. With that said I have and will continue to enjoy the DVD. I consider it a good purchase with the exception of the aforementioned.
Greg / IL