Surprisingly Subtly Sexy
Dance Day and Night | Montreal, Quebec Canada | 06/04/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD features 5 or so different dancers alternately dancing sets of various durations, ranging from 5 to 10 minutes each. Based on their physiques, physiognomies and hair, all of the dancers but one appear to African-American. They all have stunningly beautiful physiques and all have a sexy, sensous way of dancing. Although they are only seen as a black outline (as depicted on the cover photo of the DVD package), it is visibly obvious from seeing nipples in profile or breast movements, that the dancers are all dancing topless, although not fully nude. Bottom-wear is difficult to even notice, in most cases, so the effect is of essentially nude dancing. The "shadow dancing" effect is even more effectively sexy and interesting than I had anticipated -- not merely to be watched passively, as one would listen to background music, but interesting to watch attentively from end to end. The fact that the different dancers featured each have their own distinctive style of dancing makes this DVD particularly entertaining. I found this DVD interesting enough that I can forsee watching it repeatedly and not getting bored with it. It would be interesting if the producers of this DVD produced similar DVDs, only with the "lights on", or a version which permitted switching between "shadow dancing" and "lights on". A delightful, worthwhile purchase. I will purchase others in the series."
My personal fav in this series
dyzml | 06/24/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Although I love the slow techno ones, this has the absolute best dancing, imo. There's one girl on here that I never get tired of watching, either...I think she's the only caucasian woman of the set, but I could be wrong - she has short flipped-out hair, skin-tight pants, and she's topless. This woman can jaw was on the floor the first time she popped up, and that's sayin somethin - the first 3 or so women on here are phenomenal as well, but this The only one I didn't really care for was the ultra-skinny ethiopian-looking one that seemed to dance only to blue-ish backgrounds, and she did most of the slow r&b tracks. She had a unique style though, so it ain't so bad...I just wish her silouette wasn't so gangly and starved-looking. All in all though, I'd say this is a must-have if you wanna scope out some hot professional hip-hop dancing. Oh, and ladies -- this is a perfect learning tool for hip-hop or stripping...I would KILL to see one of these girls on the floor doin their thing."