Meet Wendell, the world's biggest loser...... ever
Johny Bottom | Jacksonville, NC | 12/15/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"If you're like me, you got hooked onto these 1930's government exploitation movies after watching `Reefer Madness'. Well none of them are as good and Sex Madness is pretty bad. It's even worse than `Assassin of Youth' which although pretty forgettable, has its moments. In Reefer Madness it is the `Demon Weed' marihuana that destroys the mind, body, and soul. In Sex Madness the killer is the dreaded Syphilis. Like the other films, Sex Madness starts out with a reeling, choppily moving paragraph that warns the viewer of this deadly `social disease'.
The camera work on this flick is by far the worst you'll ever see. Some of it is looked like it was actually filmed by a Disney World tourist with a handheld camcorder. That and it has some extremely cut scenes where it looks like whole parts were removed, in mid dialog!
Sex Madness has two stories that loosely fit together, but never really entwine. Millicent, a young beauty contest winner, goes to New York in search of `fame and fortune', and a son of a doctor attends a wild party.
Millicent contracts syphilis while attending a party trying to get contacts to enhance and further her career. To make matters worse she has a boyfriend back home named, now get this, Wendell. This guy is a complete loser and is the only real joy in watching the movie. He never gets mad, he never gets upset, and is totally committed to Millicent. More about him later.
The young playboy attends an orgy after a night out with the boys at a burlesque show. Just to let the viewer know, it is the lamest show I've ever scene. A bunch of women dancing with what appears to be black cardboard dumbbells. There is a pervert who watches the show and he rapes a girl afterward too. Well the playboy gets syphilis, and after seeing and paying several quacks, he finally seeks help from his father. It just so happens that his father is trying to fight syphilis through education and his son does a little speech about how he screwed up.
Millicent meanwhile is lead through a hospital to see late stage syphilis victims. One woman who's face you never see has lesions on her legs and hands. They looked more like paint chips to me, and her fingernails were made to look especially gory. There is a quick segment where they show some psycho sick dude with a cane who is all screwed up, again syphilis.
Well poor Millicent doesn't listen to her doctor and ends up with a quack who promises a quick cure. She infects her new husband Wendell and gives birth to a sick syphilis child. The baby gets close to death and Wendell is going blind before Millicent finally admits to having syphilis. Does Wendell get mad? Oh no, not Wendell. His girlfriend went to New York, got syphilis, infected him and his baby, and is soon on his deathbed. But he tells Millicent that his only thought is her happiness. This guy is just unreal. You could chop off both his hands, cut off his leg and beat him with it, and he'll tell you that you're his best friend.
Millicent is about to put her entire family out of misery with poison, but at the last minute gets a phone call from an old New York girlfriend (who also has syphilis). She explains to her that she'll be cured in 12 months and that she is getting married. Millicent is so happy about the news, that the final scene is her throwing herself onto the chest of her dying husband exclaiming "Everything is going to be all right!"