Log in Lain
Mooglemeister | 10/26/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The acid trip that is Lain continues in this third volume, and I'm loving every second of it. The captivating imagery and usage of sound continue to haunt the mind with its masterfully created mood, but as these episodes get down to the nitty-gritty of the series, the plot's got some surprises up its sleeves too. Revelations considering all we've seen are made, highlighting strange details and bringing tons of twists and surprises with it. Those not having paid much attention during earlier episodes will come to regret it now, as these episodes get into what seems to be something that might be heading for Lain's grand finale. Yet, as always with this series, there's absolutely no telling what's going to happen, and all that is yet to be is yet to be seen in the next batch of episodes.
Continuing its haunting imagery and directing, Lain continues to be a stunning product of cinematography, but those who dislike the oft-confusing and occasionally messy storytelling might find something more of their liking in this volume as well, as more distinct sections of the plot start to become clear (And everything else starts to become even vaguer).
5 stars out of me."