Speak softly and carry a big..PUNCH *%#$@!
Seir | USA | 11/10/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"World Dance New York adds to their great body politics section with "Self Defense for Women " technique and workout by Tayah Kansik. Aside from blood curdling screams, or perfuming an attacker while mistakingly reaching for mace, just invest in your personal safety and learn this self defense technique for only a few dollars and in the privacy of your own home. This self defense program can also tone and strengthen your arms, and legs. It is very well detailed with plenty of repetitions which will improve reaction time. This method is user friendly. The instructor and her partner execute each move well and move with ease to visually guide you in using your body in self defense. Learning self defense is priceless, and can save your life.
I viewed the entire program before trying it out. The segments are taught as one on one and from a defense point of view in probable case scenario as the instructor and her assistant execute the moves.
The program is divided into upper and lower body training.
You will find:
Basic position and basic boxing moves , foot work
Stretches for quad, hamstrings, arms
Push kicks, knee, and body kicks
Hooks uppercut boxing combos, footwork
Jab, elbow shots, hook and elbow shot s and uppercut
The technique section begins with a warm up
Combo1: incorporate "the roll" while defending from a direct attack
Combo 2: defending from a punch directed at you, clothes and hair grab defender, head lock defender, and properly applying the technique.
Included are takedowns, ground work, illustrated with instructor and partner.
Also a cool down with gentle yoga stretches. I thoroughly enjoyed this program and will continue to view it as to improve my skills, and be less fearful walking to my car at night.
Don't Leave Home Without It!
Alejandra Vernon | Long Beach, California | 10/04/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"And with the plague of home invasions these days, don't stay home without it!
What this DVD teaches us is aggressiveness and speed, the 2 things that will save us in an attack. At a beginner's level, a complete lesson on what to do in the event of an assault is practically impossible, because of the unpredictability of the assailant, but if you keep practicing these moves, you'll be prepared to counter with a swift response, an assertive stance, and some good kicks and punches. It has been proven that if you seem vulnerable and defenseless you will be more susceptible to being assaulted, so the attitude you present to the world is very important.
Tayah Kansik has a great attitude; a very attractive English self-defense expert, she exudes self-confidence and assurance, and has a terrific resume in having taught self defense to the police force and others. Also on this DVD is Mr. Will, very patiently standing in as a human punching bag, and falling repeatedly with those nasty kicks to the back of the leg Tayah deftly gives him.
You get a warm up, a lot of basic boxing moves, and the defenses while being grabbed are excellent, where often one's natural inclination would be to back away, but instead Tayah shows how it is best to sometimes move into it to get out of it. As Tayah recommends, you should build up speed by practicing these moves. It's my opinion you'll also get stronger and feel more confident, and just by this attitude alone, be less likely to be caught in the horrendous situation of being attacked.
A Pleasant Surprise
JVS | Portugal | 07/22/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD was a very pleasant surprise. The reasons I liked it are:
Simple- it collects essential and effective attacking techniques, I believe anyone who is at ease with a small group of simple techniques will probably do better in a real scenario than someone who is relying on an extensive list of complex techniques. I think the selection of techniques you will want to have present in a real scenario is important.
Practical- You can make this a daily or regular training (which is important for self defense) if you can spare half an hour. The techniques presented don't require any special physical ability and can be trained at home.
Quality- This is very important. Techniques are presented in a correct way emphasizing important points.
Well structured - I felt this DVD is well structured in a very pedagogical way, and the two persons demonstration helps a lot.
I also felt Tayah with her calm and humble attitude transmits confidence in the techniques.
And by the way unlike another commentator I liked the music.
(The only minus was that since I'm not from the USA I had a bit of a problem watching it in my all regions DVD, but there was no problem I watched it on the computer.)
Self defense
Lee | 06/28/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"this may be a good dvd to learn from, but in my personal opinion, its too annoying to watch. I personally think the music dosent go at all, her accent is a bit distracting, and maybe this is silly but her hair drove me nuts. its funny cause i usually wouldnt care about these little things, but i just want to turn it off after a few minutes. One more thing is that she seemed to speed through some things, maybe it wouldnt be so bad after you practice though. If these little things are unimportant to you, than give it a go. Hope you like it if you do get it."