ribcage | Lantana, Florida United States | 11/07/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Ok. There's some ugly naked girls(BUT THE ONLY HOT ONE DOESN'T SHOW 'EM WTF), we know that for a fact. There's a storyline, I guess. This video entices people to kill, and if they don't everyone dies.
If you have any ability to appreciate indie films, you won't even notice the low production values. I mean, if you're complaining about the way this film is shot, you have no right to be watching any films of this type. And you probably don't. So you're just ridiculous.
So yeah. Weak storyline, poor acting. Fairly usual for these types of films. But the naked girls were ugly.
Ultimately, though, this film was worth at least one viewing, I'll give it that much. After that, well. Spank material if you like ugly girls, I guess."
It's bad!
sinisterfiend666 | the master of Horror | 02/23/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Just when you think you found the bottom, something comes along the redefines the phrase "B horror". This has got it all: Bad acting, video quality that looks like a home movie (porno quality), bad special FX, lack of blood (they black out the screen when someone is being killed). This is has got it all: bad fake blood, papier-mâché devil's mask (probably purchased at a Halloween shop), tapioca pudding dripping from a stove (I'm not joking), delayed sound (when someone hits someone, you see the hit before you heard the hitting sound), worse maiming scene in a horror movie (you will watch a girl demon sissy hit a guy, she never even touches him, then the next scene shows his shirt ripped up) Its bad....VERY BAD!"