No more a fool | Canada | 01/23/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The reason why I gave this 4 out of 5 stars is that it is deceived me. It states Grandmaster Pan practices a technique (Bodhidhrama called "linking energy" ) I flew in to Canada from South America to learn this from the master. He and his assistant Dianne (who wrote up these great stories about him in Kung Fu magazine) told me they would teach Chi kung. They asked that I bring a partner. So I did.
I walked into the class full of energy and life. I mentioned how grateful I was to meet him and learn this special chi kung skill that I flew form over seas and even brought my girlfriend to learn. The 4 hour class were spent on watching him show off his stretching ability (it is impressive but do I need to pay for this?), then listening to him tell stories of how great he is ( example, how Billy banks is scared of him) Then we did some basic kicks and punches that you learn from any half ass wannabe kung fu school. Then class was over. I asked about the chi kung that was on the video that it claimed he practiced and said he would teach me.. He "said" its garbage, don't worry about it" I asked about his students in the video. He said "I don't know them, the producers of the video brought them in and they pretended to be my students" I asked about the white guy with the pony tail on his head. Both of you looked like you had a special connection between student and teacher. He said "no, it was all staged".
I was asked about the next class. I mentioned I had no more money and that I spent it all to fly all the way to Canada form South America and to bring over my girlfriend because you requested a partner. Grand MAster Pan then said "the next class is starting soon. If you don't have any more money you have to leave now" In shock and broken hearted I started walking out the door as requested but I was able at the last second to turn around and barley put the words together. In a soft and stuttering voice I asked ""linking energy chi kung? It was in the video...what happened ?" He gave me this look like he was going to kill me and he raised his iron fist in the air like he was going to hit me . Now I was even in more shock. Not only was I lied to by him and his assistant , but he was now physically threatening me to get out. I was in fear, stuttering, my heart broken and in the pit of my stomach :(
My girlfriend squeezed my hand and said I know your dream has just come crashing down but we have to leave now. Let's go !
So I left and for the next two days I ran over the sequence of event from that day in my head. I asked myself where did I go wrong.? Did I misunderstand something? It's not possible that a video like this would make things up and then have a kung fu legend go along with to make more money, is it? I asked my girlfriend these questions too. She confirmed that the answers to these questions was yes.
This video was very inspirational l for me, but on the Grandmaster Pan footage I can say they definitely stretched the truth. Maybe they did it also for the other parts of the video. I would wouldn't doubt it. Every once in a while I see this type of behavior in humans and it always blows me away. It's hard for me to understand how we put money above people and community to achieve our own shallow and greedy ambitions. Is it so hard to see that we are all interconnected? and what we do effects the other and continues into a chain effect? I forgive Grandmaster Pan for scamming me, because I know his greed causes him to suffer in great ways to blind him form seeing this. I forgive the producers of this video who went out of their way to do the exact same thing. I still feel a little sad about the whole thing but I learned a great lesson about life here. I hope you can learn from my mistakes :) All the best to you !!!
(5 out of 5 stars)
"For anyone who loves a well-crafted documentary, history, philosophy or the martial arts. Director Jim Grapek delivers a deceptively simple and powerful documentary on the development of ancient Chinese martial arts. His profiles of living masters are carefully lensed in a way that shows his contagious enthusiasm for martial arts as philosophy and mental/physical discipline. Significantly, he never forces his points with heavy narration or over-simplified extremist comments. He allows the masters to tell their stories, seamlessly weaving in support information that intrigues and convinces without the glitz or ridiculous claims of some martial arts shows."
Real World Kung fu
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ancient Chinese martial arts are revealed in this important documentary that is always intriguing and never pandering. A well-conceived discussion with excellent commentary from noted scholar David Bannon, Ph.D. and interviews of some of the finest LEGITIMATE kung fu masters alive. A rare look into the real world of Kung fu from those who know it best!"
Larry L | NJ United States | 10/26/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Being a Shaolin Student in the NYC Metro area, I found this movie very informative and worth watching more than once. My Sifu is a Kung Fu brother of one of the monks featured and I found the similarities between the two of them quite interesting. ALSO, parts of this are narrated by David Race Bannon. IF you don't know who he is, you should check out his autobiographical account of the time he spent working for Interpol. The name of his book is "Race Against Evil" not for the weak hearted.
If you buy this movie and have a clue about the martial arts world you'll not be sorry."