Noted author and psychologist, Dr. Henry Cloud (Boundaries) explores the Judeo-Christian perspective on The Secret phenomenon, revealing age-old truths about the powerful attraction that exists in the between God and the c... more »reation whom He loves. Unlock spiritual realities that make life work: true joy, inner peace, sustaining hope and powerful purpose.« less
Look past surface flaws to reveal the underlying gem
BBG | Raleigh, NC United States | 03/29/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I enjoyed Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret," and have found its principles exciting and applicable in my life. But, my more common experience of "manifesting" has been through ... God, introduced in my case through the Christian perspective.*
I rented "The Secret Things of God" ("TSTOG") because I was curious to see a Christian take on "The Secret." I confess that often I am made uncomfortable by most Christian media, because it can be so heavy-handed and saccharine. But I trust Henry Cloud because of his excellent and sensible "Boundaries" books, written from the perspective of a psychologist who believes in God.
Initially, I was put off by the first minutes of the DVD, in particular because of some cheesy production values. I felt a little embarrassed to be watching this in front of my teenaged son, because he'd also loved "The Secret" -- and this looks nothing like that slick flick. Oh dear, the music, the disconnected-looking expressions on the faces of the agreeably nodding audience, the moving mist in the scenic background - eck! But then I listened, really listened to what he was saying - and was deeply affected. Deeply. Surprisingly, so was my reflexively-skeptical 14-y.o. son.
Like another reviewer, at first I also thought Dr. Cloud was putting down "The Secret," and so felt some resistance to opening up to his perspective. However, when I really listened, I heard him supporting the essential messages of "The Secret" - and yet adding so much more valuable information, not just from another, but from a broader, perspective. As examples, in TSTOG Dr. Cloud provides references to scientific research, gives the Biblical basis for "the law of attraction," clarifies God's desire for us, and explains the lessons underlying the inevitable challenges and trials we will face in life-- whether or not we "attracted" them. Parallels to the positive and negatives poles of the law of attraction, it also comfortingly emphasizes that God is actively "for" us and that guilt has no role in our relationship with God. This DVD went as far as "The Secret," and for me, well beyond, because it gives practical perspectives on real life and offers a welcome spiritual approach to transforming reality.
By the way, the (mystical) manifestations made possible by the "law of attraction" and changing our thinking are shown here to be due to opening to, and trusting God's guidance, as well as realizing the incredible power our patterns have in attracting circumstances to us. And, consistent with "The Secret," we are revealed to be co-creators of our lives, working in collaboration with God. The key difference between the two approaches is that "The Secret Things of God" asserts that the power at work in the universe is a personal, relational, intimate God.
One thing I greatly appreciated about this DVD, in contrast to "The Secret," is the absence of emphasis on lavish material abundance or "get rich quick" hopes. Long discomfited by what's at the heart of the "prosperity gospel" preached by televangelists and Prayer of Jabez promoters, I similarly squirmed at "The Secret's" promises about acquiring expensive "things." In contrast to "The Secret," TSTOG 's "things" to be gained are far more lasting and precious: powerfully satisfying relationships with others, ourselves, and God.
I appreciated the fair shot at ecumenism as well: the DVD includes interesting views by a Rabbi and an Orthodox priest.
As a thinking Christian unafraid to explore beyond the traditional faith boundaries --indeed, as one whose faith is strengthened by open consideration of other perspectives on spirituality and reality-- I found this DVD so refreshing! How delightful to find a smart, helpful, reassuring, encouraging, and both mind-broadening and faith-strengthening take on not just "the secret" of the "law of attraction" but many other "secrets" of the Judaeo-Christian faith. This has been so valuable to me that I am here at Amazon to buy this DVD.
I REALLY liked this, and recommend it especially to Christians interested in "The Secret" and to fans of "The Secret" who are curious about faith.
*(My most significant experience with miraculous "manifestation" has been recovery from Stage IV cancer.)"
The best answer to "The Secret": the real secret is God
Pedro Cruz | Miami, FL | 03/24/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"When I saw The Secret, sometime ago, I feel something was missing. In that film they say, among other things, that you wake up every morning and say "Thanks, thanks for this new day"... but thanks whom? Supposedly we thanks to a great positive power around the world. It looks like we are living in the Star War movie with "the force". That the idea of the New Era movement: take us away from God.
"The secret things of God" give us the real answer and the real force behind everything: God. This movie brings us to remember what a lot of people have forgotten and how find our own correct way to success. Because there is not other way and any intention to show us another one, I don't think is a good intention at all.
I recommend this DVD to any people who really care to grow up in any way, especially if you feel you are finished, God don't want you down, He gave us the key to open the door of triumph. The only thing you have to do is take it, thru God.
Couldn't get past the first manipulative 10 minutes
LuckyMom987 | New Jersey | 06/23/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I was excited to rent this DVD, but the first 10 minutes were so blatantly manipulative that I was insulted and turned it off. The audience members (obviously paid actors) were a bit much with vigorously shaking their heads, nodding, laughing in order to reinforce with Dr. Cloud was saying. Unfortunately I felt like I was being manipulated into agreeing with Dr. Cloud, and it was off-putting. I'm disappointed."
A secret worth discovering
S. Lalaian | 06/24/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Dr. Cloud in this DVD talks about 4 important secrets that God intends for us to discover in order to have a balance, healthy and productive life and these 4 secrets our Love, Relationship, Our purpose, and spiritual connection with him. The insights provided by others were very powerful. I strongly recommend both the DVD and the book for everyone who is interested in discovering and unlocking God's treasure for themselves."
The Secret Things of God: Rip-off of The Secret
Jeff Bretherick | Georgia | 04/12/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This is a weak attempt to put God and Religion into the wildly popular 'The Secret' movie. The original was a stand-alone movie that worked fine on it's own for people who may be spiritual, but aren't interested in religion and all of it's judgements. This is a low budget movie, especially when compared with the original. I'm not sure how they were not sued by the makers of 'The Secret," but it really isn't comparable anyway."