It's no secret this movie is an 80's classic
Jon Jonz | 02/23/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Michael J Fox stars in this fast paced 80's classic titled The Secret Of My Success, and it's no secret as to why Fox captures the hearts and captivates people whether on the small screen or big screen. In this movie Fox plays Brantley Foster a bright eyed bushy tailed kid from a farm in the midwest who starts the movie by hyping up to his parents his dreams and desires of making it big in New York City. The movie waste little time in showing Fox as he makes the transition to living in the big city even after his first job which he went to NYC in the first place for falls apart before walks in the door.Brantley must then do what an aspiring yuppie from the 1980's would do. Network and promote himself anyway possible to get a job. After repeated failed attempts Brantley winds up at the offices of his uncle who is the head of a major coporation. After throwing his charm around. A knack that Fox uses and gives to his character throught the movie, he is able to work his way up the ladder after his uncle gives him a measly mailboy job. Of course Brantley's aspirations are much bigger then this and comedy ensues. Not to mention a love triangle or is it a love square? Helen Slater. Best known for other 80's movies such as Supergirl and The Legend Of Billie Jean plays Fox's to the books business chic looking love interest who Fox evetually charms as well. It says alot about Michael J. Fox that he is able to bring a likablitly even to a character that is yuppie in the 1980's. In fact there seems to be a theme in the movie that Fox's character Brantley Foster seems to charm everyone he comes across, and everyone likes him. From his aunt, to his secretery to his peers to even the dreamgirl who has no time for love. Michael J Fox's other works in the 80's such as Back To The Future and Teen Wolf might be more notable or popular but in my opinion The Secret Of My Succes is probably one of the best movies Michael J Fox has made. If you loved Fox as Alex P Keaton in Family Ties this movie is the perfect supplement to that. It's original enough and funny enough to keep you capitivated the entire ride.Plus has enough plot twist that will keep you wondering what will happen next all while making you laugh. But it is familiar enough as well that you will instantly feel like perhaps your getting a glimpse into what it would had been like had Alex P Keaton went to NYC and got his big break. It really is no secret then to this movies success and watchablity. It's Michael J Fox's funny and likable performance. The supporting cast only add to this. Helen Slater brings the perfect balance to the no nonsense all work type girl who eveuntally let's her guard down and opens her heart to the right guy. Definetly a feel good movie and it perfectly captures the hustle and bustle and yuppie capitalism that was so transparently widespread in the 1980's"