THE SEARCH FOR DRACULA — In an age of science, one tale of the supernatural continues to seduce us: the legend of the vampire. Embodied in the persona of Count Dracula, this pale, elegant aristocrat lusts for blood, making ... more »him repulsive...and irresistible. By day, he hides his face from the light. By night, he escapes the velvet confines of his coffin to drain helpless damsels of their lifeblood. Stories of this evil count have fascinated millions. In graveyards and archives around the world, historians have relentlessly searched for evidence of Dracula. And in this intriguing trip into history, see just how real legend can be!
When a brilliant scientist, Dr. Paul Carruthers (Bela Lugosi), develops an ingenious product and is cheated out of his fair share of the profits by his greedy partners, Roy Heath (John Ellis) and Don Morton (Gene O'Donnell), Carruthers decides to use his brain rather than brawn to get vengeance. The scientist turns his laboratory of science into one of doom as he creates a giant race of bats that turn into ripping and shredding beasts of fury when they catch wind of a particular scent that Carruthers puts into a special cologne and aftershave. Now armed with his killing machines, the good-scientist-gone-bad has the power to kill at will with his mutant bats doing his bidding. The families of Carruthers' partners are his first targets, but Heath and Morton's time is going to come. And when it does?it won't be pretty...« less